Chapter 38

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SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE LAST NIGHT.... I went out with a bunch of my friends and didn't get back until like almost midnight

•Cassie's P.O.V•

I woke up in my cozy California bed. It felt good to be back even if it was just for today. Jack was sound asleep next to me and the light that escaped my curtains was hitting his body perfectly. He looked so cute. I smiled and poked his cheek. He opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face. "Good morning gorgeous" he said in a deep raspy voice. "Morning Jack" I giggled.
He pulled me close and rolled on top of me. He hovered over me and smiled down at me. He pressed his lips into mine and then pulled away. "What should we do today?" He asked. "This" I giggled pulling his face back down to mine reconnecting our lips. He smiled into the kiss as we kissed for a couple minutes. We separated and got up. "I think we should just have a pool day" jack smiled. I nodded and we got up. I walked into my closet and over to one of the drawers and pulled out my tiffany blue bikini. For all I cared this would be the most sun I would get in a long time. Jack walked in and grabbed his suit and I left to go wake Mason up. "Mason buddy get your suit on, let's go swimming" I called seeing he was already awake. "Okay mommy" he called back. I smiled and shit the door. I woke up Matt and told him to go round the guys up for a pool day. I slid down the railing and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple from the fridge and opened the patio door. I walked outside and turned the speakers on. I turned the music up and grabbed towels out of the pool crate. I set them on a couple chairs and took a seat on one also. I closed my eyes and laid in the sun hoping to get tanner. 15 minutes later I heard the door slide open and all the guys piled out. I sighed knowing my tanning time was over. I sat up and stretched. "When is one of you guys going to get a girlfriend so I have someone to talk to" I said getting up. They all just rolled their eyes. We all jumped in and swam around for what must have been hours. We played games and hung out for awhile. "Does anyone wanna go to the beach?" Taylor asked getting bored. We all nodded and made our way to the front. I grabbed the towels and the beach bag I kept in the pool bin with all the stuff for Mason. I walked through the house instead of around like the guys and I grabbed my camera. In Matts red jeep it was him, Carter, Taylor, Aaron, Shawn, and then Sam ad JJ in the trunk. In my black one it was Jack, Mason, me, Nash, Hayes, and Cameron in the back trunk. Jack drove and we turned the music up. We arrived at the beach and we all filed out. I let cameron out of the trunk ad grabbed the beach bag. We went down to the beach and found a spot to drop all of our stuff. "Mommy lets go" Mason said eagerly. "Mas come here" I said. I put a little sunscreen on his face and let him go. He grabbed Hayes hand and they ran into the water. I snapped some pics and joined them. We all played in the water until it started to get cold. Everyone ran out and over to were our stuff was. We decided to have a fire for a couple of hours. We all say around ad told funny memories and talked about random stuff as Mason drifted off to sleep in my arms. The fire died down enough for us to put it out with water and we left. I had to leave tomorrow morning at 6. We got home and I woke Mason up to give him a bath. "I'm going to miss you mommy" he said as I dried him off after. "I'm gonna miss you to Mason, but I'll see you next week okay?" I said slipping his basketball shorts on him with a white cutoff. He nodded and I tucked him in. "Mason I'm going to leave tomorrow before you get up ok?" I asked him. He frowned and nodded. "I love you mommy" he said letting a tiny tear escape his eye. I quickly wiped it. "Mason don't cry, I'll call you every night okay? Please don't be sad. Only 8 days ok baby?" I said. He nodded. I kissed his forehead. "I love you Mason, goodnight" I said getting up and walking out. I shut his door letting tears flow down my face. I walked downstairs and heard a knock on the door. I opened it and there was a big box. I brought it in and took it inside. I set it on the kitchen island. I opened it, it was all the #TeamMiller merchandise for the guys. I smiled and late it all out on the counter. I organized it for each guy and stuck a sticky note on each pile with one of the guys names. I smiled and went upstairs to go to bed. I changed some clothes out of my bag and put new ones in my bag. Jack was "asleep" but he was really watching me pack. "Jack at least talk" I giggled. He did too. He patted the space on the bed for me to come lay next to him. I zipped my bag and changed into spandex and a cutoff and hoped in next to him. He pulled me ontop of him and connected our lips. We kissed for awhile and then stopped. I rolled off and looked at Jack as he looked back at me. "Goodnight Cassie" he smiled. I laid my head on his bare chest. "Goodnight Jack"

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