Chapter 15

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•Cassie's P.O.V•
"Cassie wake up" I heard Jack say as he got off the couch. I moaned. I had only gotten 3 hours I sleep. I woke up and walked upstairs into my bedroom. I slipped on a Tiffany blue diamond and co sweatshirt and black leggings with my uggs. Jack had pulled on a hoodie and sweats too. "I'll get Mason" I yawned. "I've got it babe" he said walking out of the room. I nodded. I walked downstairs and made coffee. It was gonna be along drive. Jack came down carrying Mason. Mason had in flannels and a long sleeve hoodie with his Canada beanie. I grabbed my coffee and went out to the jeep following. I started the car and buckled Mason in as Jack got the bags. "I'll be right back" I said walking into the house. I walked up the stairs and into Matts room. "Matt I'm leaving" I said shaking him awake. He opened his eyes. "Hi Cassie" he said siting up and stretching. "Hi Matthew" I giggled. "Come here" he said holding his arms out. I sat on his bed and hugged him as he wrapped his arms around me. "Make it count, have fun at training" he said kissing my cheek. "Thanks Matt, keep an eye on the house" I said pulling away. "Bye Cass" he said as I shut his door. "Bye Matt." I walked back out to the car and Jack was sitting in the drivers seat. "Jack I'll drive get out" I yawned. "No just get your ass in the car" he smiled. I rolled my eyes and got in. I turned back to Mason and covered him up with his blanket. Jack pulled out as I tried to stay awake. "Babe close your eyes" Jack said. I leaned over and kissed his cheek and drifted off to sleep.
I woke up as we were pulling in to little Switzerland. It was now 5 in the morning. "Ugh the snowboarder life" I mumbled. Jack laughed. We came to a stop and I ran inside to get our house number. We drove to where we were going and saw the house. "Shit" I said looking at the big house. "Woah they treat you well" Jack said. (Above) I nodded. Jack started unloading the bags while I brought Mason inside. The house was huge! I carried Mason upstairs and laid him in the bed that was in what was known a his room for the week. I wakes downstairs to see Jack finishing unloading the car and coming inside. I flopped on the couch and he did to laying his head in my lap. I played with his hair as a smile grew on his face. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess" I sighed quietly. "Cas never say that. We are in this together. And you are my everything he said looking up at me. I sighed. I leaned doe and pecked Jacks lips as I got up to get ready. I had to be down at the hill in like 30. I walked upstairs into Jack and my bedroom and pulled out a hoodie and went back downstairs. I began slipping my grey snowpants on and my coral coat. I put my snowboard boots on and placed my helmet on my head. I grabbed my glove and my board. "I'm sorry" I said pecking Jacks cheek. He smiled. "It's ok just go" he said shoving me out the door. I clipped in and began down the hill that connected to the main hill.

•Jacks P.O.V•

Sure I missed Cassie whenever she was training. But she was chasing her dream. I sat down on the couch and flipped the TV on. I watched some stupid movie for a couple of hours and then drifted off to sleep. I woke up around 1 and Mason did too because he was now coming down the stairs. "Hi Mas" I said lifting him onto my lap. "Hi daddy" he said. "Mas do you wanna make a video?" I asked him. He nodded. I tweeted out #askminiGilinsky an set the camera up. "Hey Guys I'm joined here today with my son Mason." Mason waved at the camera. "Ok so he's going to answer some questions. First one is who is your favorite Magcon guy besides your dad?" I looked at Mason. "MATTCHEW!" He yelled. "What's your favorite food?" "The ninja turtle Mac n cheese" questions like that wee answered for awhile until I heard a phone ring. It was Cassie's. I ended the video and grabbed the phone. "Cassie Millers phone Jack speaking" I said. "Um ok Jack it's Matt you gotta tell Cas that I'll be down there on Friday, her semi games got bumped up to Saturday." Matt said. My jaw dropped. She had 2 days to prepare for the games. "Ok Matt I'll tell her see ya tomorrow night" I said and hung up. "Mas let's go see Mommy" I said walking over to the coat room. He followed. I slipped his snowpants and jacket on him and put his helmet on over his beanie. I put his little snowboard boots on and quickly got all my gear on. I picked Mason up and went outside. I clipped in and clipped Mason in placing him between my feet we started and were down there within 5 minutes. We found Cassie at the bottle with who I guess was her manger. "Cass Matt just called your semi games got moved to Saturday" I said coming to a stop by her. "What!" She said. I nodded. "Cal!?" She said turning towards her manager. "Cassie I just found out like 5 minute ago. I was just going to tell you" he said speechless. Cassie looked so worried. "Who are you? Move along we have special training right now" Cal said looking at me. "Um" I said looking at Cassie. "Cal that Jack he's my boyfriend and he's Masons dad" she said still in shock. He nodded. "Sorry, nice to meet you" he said shaking my hand. I returned the gesture as Cassie was still panicking. "You'll get it you'll be fine" I said kissing her cheek. She half smiled and began to run her routine as Mason and I took a seat at the bottom on a bench. She ran her routine for 5 hours and it was time to go back up. We got back up and tucked Mason in. It was 10 and we were all exhausted. I carried Cas up to our room and laid her in bed next to me. "Night babe" I said kidding her cheek. "Goodnight Jack"

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