Chapter 6

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•Cassie's P.O.V•

Jack was in the bathroom all night with Mason. This medicine was suppose to help him get better. I woke up and opened the curtains that covered the large hotel room windows. I sighed. I walked over to my suitcase and pulled on leggings and a burton hoodie. I threw my hair in a messy bun and walked to the bathroom. Mason was asleep in Jacks arms and Jack starred at him. I smiled. "Oh hey" Jack said looking up. He looked so tired. "Morning" I smiled. "He's doing ok. It's been like 4 hours" Jack sighed. I nodded walking in and squatting down next to them. I felt his forehead and he still had that fever. Jack lifted my chin and smiled at me. I smiled to. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back but soon pushed away. "Um hey I've got him today if you wanna go to Magcon" I said scratching the back of my neck. "Nope I'm staying with my family" Jack said refusing. I argued with him but he finally won. He carried Mason over to his bed and I changed him into some clothes that didn't smell like puke and sick hospitals. Carefully I slid hi stuff off and put them in a plastic bag later to be washed. I slipped new flannels and a t shirt on him. I slid his beanie off and set it on the bedside table. We tucked him in and sat on the other bed. "Jack go shower" I laughed. He smelled. "Ugh fine"Jack left and I watched Mason. 15 minute later Jack came back with flannels and a t shirt on. He was also holding Muffins. "I figure we can't leave soooo" he laughed: we sat on the other bed and ate our muffins watching the Magcon broadcast. "Hey guys Jack is still realllyyyyy sick so I don't know when he will be back." Johnson explained. Jack looked sad which made me feel bad. "I told you to go" I finally said. "And miss hanging out with a beautiful girl? No way" he said looking at me. I looks at him and smiled. He came closer and filled the gap between our lips. We passionately kissed for want seems like forever. He pushed me down on the bed and continued to kiss me. After minutes that felt like hours of kissing I got up. 'Why does he do this to me' I thought to myself. Mason had been asleep for 3 hours making it a total of 7 hours he wasn't getting sick. He had just woken up and was laying in bed watching disney channel. "So that date?" Jack said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist and sending chills down my spine. "I don't know Masons still si-" "bit he hasn't thrown up for 7 hours! That's good! Right?" He questioned. I sighed and nodded. "Great be ready by seven. Matt and Carter can watch him." Jack smiled. I nodded. Jack left because it was now 6. Matt and Carter came in. "Hey Mason" Matt said. "Hey Matchew" Mason said quietly. "Hi Cartah" Mason also said. "What time is your date?" Matt asked. "7" I responded. "Um it's 6" Carter said. "I'll get ready after I run And get Masons pjs from when he was sick because I for those cleaned and be still needs a bath. I don't know about this date" I sighed. "Go get ready we can do that stuff. Jack said to dress casual" Matt said. I smiled. I went as applied my make up and did my normal hair routine. I slipped on grey leggings and a white sweatshirt with uggs. I walked out and saw Jack siting on the Bed with Mason. I smiled and walked over to them. "Ok Mason I shouldn't be gone for that long. Matt and Carter are going to put you to bed tonight. I'll be here when you wake up. Be good for Matt and Carter." I said kissing his forehead. He hugged Jack and me goodbye and with that we left. "So where are we going?" I asked as we started to drive. " that's for me to know" Jack smiled. I rolled my eyes letting out a little chuckle. We parked the car and got out. We were in downtown Toronto. "Woah" I said looking up at all the towers and stuff. Jack smiled. He grabbed my hand and intertwined out fingers. I tensed up but soon relaxed. We walked around a little bit and then we went inside a tall tower. "Jack where are we going?" I giggled. He just smiled. We arrived at the roof and saw what was set up...... Bungee jumping.

•Jacks P.O.V•

"Jack no" Cassie said backing up. I grabbed her hand. "Cassie it's ok" I reassured her. "Jack I have things I need to worry about. I have the X games and potentially the Olympics. AND MASON. What if something happens?" She asked shaking. "Nothing will happen...... Trust me Cass" u said extending my hand. She slowly grabbed my hand and i pulled her close. We walked over and then harnessed us together. We slowly got onto the glass platform and sat down with our legs hanging off the edge. "When your ready push off, someone will be below to catch you" the guy told us. Cassie was shaking. I was honestly surprised. Usually Cassie was an adrenaline junkie. "Cass come here" I said extending my arms. She crawled into my lap and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. "I'm so scared" she whispered. "It's ok Cass I've got you" I said wrapping my arms around her waist. "Ready?" I asked her. She nodded. Still holding onto each other I scooted closer to the edge. "I love you Jack" Cassie whispered as we scooted off. We sailed down ward towards the ground. Cassie still was hanging onto me but even tighter. I smiled thinking what I just heard. We approached the ground and the ropes tightened slowing u down. We touched the ground, well at least my feet did. "Cassie we are down now" I said causing her to look up. She slowly untangled her legs and loosens her grip around my neck touching the ground. I smiled down at her. She smiled up at me too. I looked down and connected out lips. We kissed gently for a couple seconds before u pulled away and touched my forehead to hers. "I love you too Cassie" I said. She blushed and went to get unclipped. I followed. Once that was done we walked the streets for awhile. Cassie was pretty quiet the whole time. "If Mason is feeling better should just you and Me head to Whizzer tomorrow? Leave Mason with the guys for a day?" I asked her. Her face lit up and she nodded. We got back into the car and drove home. I gave her a piggy back ride up to the room and put her down outside the room allowing her to open the door. Mason was asleep in his bed and the boys were sitting on the couch waiting. "Thanks guys" Cassie sad hugging them. "No need to thank us. Were practically built in babysitters" Carter laughed. Cassie laughed and shooed them out of the room. "Well goodnight" I said kissing her forehead. I turned to leave but she stopped me. "Just stay" she smiled. I smiled and slid my hoodie off. She tossed me sweatpants. "Why do you have guy sweatpants?" I asked her. "There actually Matts. He gave them to me after I refused to give them back" she giggled. I slipped them on while she was changing in the bathroom. I took my hoodie off and threw it in the floor and got into bed. Minutes later Cassie got in wearing leggings and a burton long sleeve t shirt. I pulled her close wrapping my arms around her waist. Her face was inches away from mine. "Goodnight Cassie" I said kissing her forehead. "Goodnight Jack" she smiled back kissing my cheek. And with that we drifted off to sleep.

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