Chapter 35

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•Cassies P.O.V•

Today we were going to New York! I had some press conference with the Olympic team. Jack woke me up at 6. It was just him and me going. Mason would be staying here with Matt and the guys. It was also the last time I would be here until after the Olympics so I had to pack heavy. Our flight left at noon so I began to pack. I pulled out 2 big suitcases and a backpack. I began putting jeans, leggings, long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, and a bunch of other warm clothes. I filled one suitcase and jack filled the other. It was 9 by the time we finished so I decided to get ready. I left my hair down and pulled a team USA beanie on, black leggings and a snowboard long sleeve shirt with my white hightops. Jack was already ready so we headed downstairs. Mason was downstairs with the guys eating breakfast. "Mason time for us to go" Jack said. Mason jumped up and ran as hugged Jack. "Bye bye daddy" Mason said. Jack kissed his forehead and handed Mason to me. "I'll see you in Toronto for the Olympics okay baby Mas?" I asked him. He nodded. "Your my number one fan remember ok?" I asked him giggling a little bit. "I love you mommy, goodbye" Mason said wrapping his little arms around my neck tightly. "Bye Mason" I said kissing his forehead and setting him down. "I'll see you guys in 5 weeks" I said making my way out of the kitchen with Matt and Jack. Matt was driving us to the airport. We loaded up his jeep and headed to LAX. It was a quiet car ride, but a good quiet. Matt pulled up to the airport and got out to say bye. "Keep her safe bro" Matt said giving Jack a little hug. "Don't worry, I will" Jack smiled. "Cass" Matt started. "Don't make me cry and just hug me" I pouted. Matt smile and nodded. "Keep my baby safe Espinosa" I said before pulling away. "I promise" Matt nodded. Jack interlocked his hand in mine and we began walking away with our bags. "Good luck super star!" Matt shouted making me giggle. We got through security and were on the way to the gate when the fans came. I stepped out of the way but my own crowd soon formed. "Cassie can you sign my goggles?" "Sign my helmet" "good job! Can't wait to see you on tv" I smiled and signed a couple of things and took some pictures and so did Jack. We got to our gate quickly and boarded the plane. We had first class! "Scott knows good people" jack laughed. I nodded. We buckled our seat belts and he grabbed my hand. "Let's have a good trip" jack said kissing my cheek. I smiled. "Yes" I said before we took off. I tested my head on jacks shoulder for the 4 hour flight.

We landed around 3:30 and headed out to the car Scott sent. We loaded our bags up and headed to the hotel. We were staying at the Hampton or Hilton something. I don't know, all I knew was it was big! We pulled up and I was right, huge. Jack and I walked in and over to the desk. "Miller" I smiled at the lady. She handed us our room keys and we headed up to the room. 6th floor. We got to the room and it was huge! There was a full kitchen and living room, 2 bedrooms and a balcony! "Shit" Jack said in amazement. I nodded. We dropped our bags and sat on the bed in our room. "What time do we have to leave for the conference?" Jack asked. Just then there was a knock at the door. It was Scott and Mark. "Let's go!" Scott said. "Now" I sighed responding to Jacks question. He got up and grabbed my had as we walked to the elevator. "It's only beginning" Mark said adjusting his snapback. We got down to the lobby and there were flashing cameras everywhere. "Faces down" Scott demanded. We listened. I gripped jacks hand tighter a we fought through the crowd of paparazzi and fans. We got into the car and caught our breath. "Next time let me know" I said breathing heavy. They laughed and so did I. "Faces up when we get here" Scott said. We soon arrived at a conference hall and sure enough, More cameras. Jack and I held hands being careful not to loose each other in the crowd. We walked in and they gave Jack a pass. "Right behind the reporters" Scott instructed as he walked away. Jack quickly pecked my lips and I followed. We filed onto a small stage behind a long table that was our panel. I was next to Mark and Shawn. Cool. "Alright let's begin" Scott said from the other side of Mark. Hands flew up and cameras snapped. "What's your life like Cassie?" A reporter in a blue suit asked. "Well I mean I grew up in Virginia until I was 16, then I moved to LA with my bestfriend where I started a tour with his group called Magcon. I live in LA right now with that group of guys and my son Mason. I snowboard either wet or dry" I smiled. There was a pause and then another question flew in. "Your son Mason? How old is he? You were a pregnant teen?" A tall women asked. "Um Mason just turned 3 and yes, I found out when I was 16-17 and his dad is my boyfriend right now. But I never let that get in the way of my boarding" I said. I got asked more questions about boarding and so did the other people on panel with me. It was 6 by the time we finished. "Great job guys, see you at 10 tomorrow morning for a all representative meeting, our free for tonight" Scott said. "You wanna take a walk?" Jack asked. I smiled and nodded. We took a cab to Central Park and walked. It was cold enough where you could see our breath a little but not to cold. Jack interlocked our hands as we walked. "Your so beautiful you know that?" He said to me making my cheeks flush red. "Thank you" I said softly. We talked about the Olympics and about MAGCON and his music he wanted to start and about Mason and the guys and about what would happen after the Olympics. "I'm so happy I met you" jack sighed. "Me too, what if I would have not gone with Matt that first time" I said. "I would be lost right now without you" he laughed a little, I giggled. We Walked around a little more and took a seat on one of the park benches. Jack pulled me onto his lap and into his chest. "Jack how Do I even fit on your lap? I'm only like 3 inches shorter than you" I laughed. He did too. "Doesn't matter, as long as your on it" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and relaxed into his lap. He put his hands around my waist. "It's so pretty here" Jack said as the lights came on because it was now dark. "Yeah it is" I responded looking down the walk way. We sat for awhile and then decided to go back to the hotel and watch a movie. We called a cab and made our way back to our hotel.

•Jacks P.O.V•

We changed into sweats and sat on the couch, we decided to watch anchorman. We laughed but half way through it Cassie was asleep in my arms. I carefully reached for the remote and shut the TV off and carried Cassie to our bedroom. I set her in bed and looked at the clock. "11:30" I was tired too. I climbed in next to her and wrapped my arms around her body. "Goodnight beautiful, I love you"

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