Chapter 5

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•Jacks P.O.V•

I wake up holding the girl that I've missed for 2 years. The girl I've loved for 4. And the most beautiful girl since day 1. I wasn't dating Cassie....yet, but this was progress. I looked over at Mason who was sound asleep. I looked at the clock and saw it said 7. We had Magcon in a hour. I got up and pulled on khakis and a vans shirt. I put on black vans and walked over to Masons bed. "Mason wake up buddy" I said shaking him lightly. He moaned and woke up slowly. "Daddddyyyy" he whined. "Hi Mason" I smiled. "I don't feel good. I feel like yuckys" he said sitting up. "Uh?" I said but soon realized what he meant when I saw his face. "OH" I said picking him up and carrying him to the bathroom. I set him Down just in time for him to get sick. I squatted down besides him and rubbed his back. He had tears streaming down his face. "Shhhh Mason it's ok" I said wiping his face with a wet rag. He threw up again and again and within the next half hour I was sitting on the bathroom floor with Mason sleeping In my lap only waking up to throw up.i text Johnson and told him I wasn't coming to Magcon because Mason was sick. Then I tweeted out. "Hey guys I'm not feeling good today and I'm really sick so I won't be at Magcon today. Sorry" I tweeted it out and set my phone down just in time for Mason to get up and throw up again. I wiped his face and felt his forehead. He was running a fever. "Aww Mason" I said pulling him into a hug. He looked so sick. "How about when mommy wakes up we can take you to the doctor?" I asked quietly. He nodded and threw up again. Mason crawled into my lap and played on my phone and Cassie appeared in the doorway. "Oh my god!" She said as her hands flew to her mouth. She ran in and sat beside me and looked at Mason. He moved a couple pieces of hair off his forehead. "What's going on?" She asked concerned. I explained that i woke Mason up and he said he wasn't feeling good in fact he was feeling yucky. I told her how he had threw up at least 8 times in the last hour an that he was running a fever. "Let's go" she said grabbing the keys. I pulled a beanie on Mason and followed Cassie out of the room. She looked gorgeous as always. Flannel pants, uggs, snowboarding long sleeve shirt, and her hair fell wavy and beautiful. She grabbed a bucket and we buckled Mason into his seat. We drove to the hospital and Mason was still asleep. "I got him" I said as we got out of the escalade. I picked him up as we walked into the urgent care unit. "Hi my son has been throwing up for-" she stopped looking at me. "He's been throwing up since 7:30 and he's running a fever" I finished. "Fill out these forms quickly" the nurse said handing Cassie the papers. She filled them out. I glanced at the papers and saw her writing my information down as "father" I smiled. She looked up. "I just thought ya know" she quietly said. I smiled and nodded as she finished and we were called back. As we got into the room Mason said he was yucky and he threw up as soon as I got him over a trash can. He was crying again. Cassie grabbed a wet paper towel and wiped his face clean as the doctor came in. "Hello" he said smiling. "Hi" we both said. "So I understand Mason is sick." He asked looking at Mason. We both nodded. "Parents?" He asked us. We looked at each other and nodded. I pulled his beanie off as the doctor took his temperature.

•Cassie's P.O.V•

I woke up to the sound of Mason crying. I looked over at his bed and he was gone. So was Jack. I got up and walked over to the bathroom. Jack had Mason cradled in his arms and Mason was sick. I was so scared. I also thought it was pretty cute how Jack was taking care if him. We grabbed Mason and took him to the hospital. The doctor came in and he still had a Fever. They checked everything and said he had some virus kids get and it should be gone within 3 days with Medicine. They had given Mason some already. But it didn't show. Jack carried Mason back out and buckled him in his seat. He drove us back to the hotel and we got out. We walked up to my room laid Mason back down in his bed with a bucket just in case. I put frozen in and sat on the couch over by the window. Jack joined me and rested his hand on my thigh. "And I was going to take you out tonight" he sighed. I smiled. "Well see" I reassured him. We watched frozen along with Mason occasionally getting up to either get Mason water or empty his bucket or just check on him. It was now 3 and Mason was fast asleep an hadn't thrown up for 3 hours. Yes. I Yawned and Jack pulled me into his side wrapping his arms around me. "Go to sleep beautiful, I'll wake you up of anything happens" he said kissing my forehead. I smiled and nodded as I drifted off to sleep resting my head in Jacks shoulder.

I woke up an hour later still sitting on the couch with Jack. He was asleep and I smiled. I wriggled out of his grip and walked over to Mason. He had gotten sick again. I cleaned his bucket and put it back by his bed. I felt his forehead and he still had a fever but it had went down a little. I adjusted his beanie he still had on and kissed his forehead. I turned the TV off because Mason was asleep again. Jack was now awake. "Jack I don't think tonight's going to work out. He's really sick" I said frowning. He nodded. "So what should we do. I mean we have like an hour before the guys get back." Jack said pulling me down on the couch with him. I starred at him and he starred at me. I smiled as he pressed our lips together. We stayed like that for a long time until we heard Mason get sick again. I pulled away and got up walking over to him. "Mas your ok" I said rubbing his back. He drifted back to sleep. I emptied and cleaned it and returned it back to his bedside. I sighed and walked back to the couch. I sat down by Jack and he wrapped his arms around me. "Hi Jack" I said quietly. "Hi Cassie" he smiled. "Thank you for being such a great dad" I smiled back. "And thank you for being such a good mom" he replied kissing my forehead. Gosh how I missed it. I missed being with him. I half smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. My phone buzzed and I checked it. "Hey Cassie we just got done and are on our way up to the rooms. Can I stop in?" It was from Carter. "Sure bring Matt" I replied. Not more than a second later the door opened and Matt as Carter came in.

•Jacks P.O.V•

"Hey guys" I said. They said hi while sitting in the other two chairs. "How is he?" Carter asked. "He's really sick" Cassie frowned. Carter got up and went over by Mason. Carter and Matt had been father figures to Mason for the past 2 years. I adjusted my attention back to Matt and Cassie. "How was Magcon" Cassie asked. "Great! Just like always" he said smiling. "Daddy I feel yucky" Mason whimpered. I quickly got up and picked Mason up and ran him to the bathroom. He threw up like 3 times and was crying again. I got comfortable because I had a feeling I was going to be here for awhile. "He's such a good dad" I heard Matt say. "Yeah he is" Cassie replied. I smiled. " I just wish he could've been there for him. But it's really my fault because I never told him" Cassie said quietly. "Cassie your fine. He's here now and I don't think he will be leaving" Carter said. "I hope so. Because I think I love him" Cassie said. "I think I love you too" I whispered to myself.

His kid? (Jack Gilinsky)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz