Chapter Forty-Two: Everything's Wrong With Me.

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Chapter Forty-Two: Everything's Wrong With Me.


That's what all I could think about the whole time the copy was in my hand.

47 to 71 straight within 1 month. I'm proud of myself.

I stare at the red penned C sign at the top of my copy in awe for another couple of minutes to see what I'm seeing isn't false or a dream. My index finger and thumb automatically went to my bicep as I pinch it hard, the outcome causing the whole class to look at me.


Only difference, I'm not embarrassed as they sneered at me in annoyance. In fact, I actually smirk at some people who were still staring at me., creeping them out because normally they don't talk with me, nor actually realizes that I exist.

But I am happy as ever.

I HAVE to tell Jayden. If I don't do it now, I'm gonna loose my mind.

I stand up from my seat and walk out of class, muttering to go to the ladies. Fortunately, Mr Declan couldn't even say anything for I'm already coming out of the classroom, taking my phone out from my pocket to text him.

Stopping in front of the locker, which was just middle of the guys toilet and girls toilet each end of the hallway, I typed as fast as I can.

Me: could u come out for a sec plz??? I need to talk to u...

I press the power button off and bobbed up and down in excitement. My phone chimed a minute later that makes me jump in surprise as I take it out again. Wow, this guy replies fast.

Mr Biggest Idiot in the World: wut the fuck happened???

I don't even care that he was swearing right now.

Me: plzzz??? I'll just take one sec!!

Mr Biggest Idiot in the World: wht the hell happened??

Me: ill tell u when u come out..pretty pleeeaaasssee?? just one minute pleaasee!!!

Mr Biggest Idiot in the World: urghhh fine. I'll be in trouble tho. Its Stella.

Me: plz plz plz plz just one minute is all I'm asking for!!!

Mr Biggest Idiot in the World: whr r u??

Me: in front of my locker. i'll take 1 minute I promise.

Mr Biggest Idiot in the World: w8 one sec.

So I waited.

After what seemed like forever, I heard footsteps coming form my left and my whip my head to see him walking impatiently, ruffling his hair with one hand and another in his jean's pocket like always.

Holy Canoli, was he good looking. Awfully good looking. And I'd be making a fool of myself if I didn't at least agree to that. All the other things were annoying about him, but for a heart pounding moment, my breath catches in my throat, my brain shuts down, and my palms made a fist and I didn't care about those other things.

All I cared about was who he actually was on the inside and not the person who I thought he was all those years from middle school.

I felt my heart racing just at the sight of him.

And this is driving me nuts.

I quickly grinned at his sight once he was beside me, his smell of cherry more raw than ever. "What is it Queen? You gotta be quick."

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