chapter 26: misunderstood

Start from the beginning

"Hi, where's Luke? I thought you two would be together?" I asked.

"Hi..." She whispered as she sat down.

"So, where's he?" I asked again after a few seconds of silence.

"Home..." She answered, her voice cracking, as she turned her head to look out of the window.

"What happened?" I asked again and I could see a few tears fall from her eyes. I took her in a hug and she started to sob into my shoulder.

"Can I tell you at home? So I don't have to explain it multiple times?" She asked.

"Of course, love!" I answered as I kissed the top of her head. We pulled away from the hug and I started the car to drive back home. When we arrived back home, Iris ran straight to her room with Arizona. The whole way home I've been thinking but I couldn't quite figure any explanation out...

"Guys, something's wrong with Iris and Luke." I said as I walked into the living room.

"Well, what's wrong?" Amber asked.

"Dunno, she said she would tell all of us together."

"Let's go then." She said and ran upstairs, as we followed her. When we arrived in Iris' room, she was lying in her bed under the sheets with Arizona. The photo of her and Luke was shattered on the floor, there was glass everywhere.

Amber ran up to the bed, trying not to step into glass. She cuddled into the bed with Iris while Iris cried into her shoulder. Amber was stroking her hair while she was whispering a thing to Iris, Arizona was giving Iris some licks and cuddles.

We all followed Amber's example and sat down on the bed. I lie down next to Iris and kissed the back of her head.

"What happened?" I asked after she calmed down a bit.

"H-he called me a s-slut..." She said and broke down again.

"He what? Nobody calls my little sister a slut, only I can!" Amber said.

"But, sweetie why would he say something like that?" Michael said.

"Well, after you guys left, I waited for Luke and when he finally came out of the school he ignored me and when I asked him what his problem was he told me a story but it was a lie!" She started to cry even more now...

"What story?" Amber asked her.

"He heard someone having sex in the toilets at school and when he looked, he saw my bag but I had lost it during the break... He said it was me with Max having sex in those dirty toilets. And then he said I'm the living proof of the concept 'once a slut, always a slut'... It honestly wasn't me! You have to believe me!" She was crying so much right now and all we could do was sit there and take her mind off him.

She looked so upset, even more upset than when Jonas died and I really thought that wasn't possible. I think that's why she took Arizona with her, so she wouldn't do anything stupid to herself. I think it's best for all of us that Amber and I stay here tonight.

"But..." Calum started and continued once he had our full attention. "You sure you didn't right?"

"What? No of course I didn't... don't you fucking trust me either?"

"I do, trust you but you're the only one with that bag and it was strange that Max said hi t..." Cal started but before he could finish Amber started to yell at him. "Get the fuck out of her room!" Iris was crying even more now.

"Were you carrying your bag during break?" Amber asked her.

"No, when I went to my locker during lunch, I couldn't find it, remember? And after that I didn't went to my locker." Iris sobbed.

"Well, maybe he saw a bag that just looked like yours..." I tried.

"No, I'm the only one with a Louis Vuitton in school, not even Barbie or Molly have one..." she sobbed into Arizona. "Not even a fake one." She continued as she took a tissue and blew her nose.

"Can you leave me alone for a bit?" Iris asked after a few minutes of silence, we all nodded and left the room after Amber an I had collected all the stuff she could hurt herself with. I went t to the bathroom and locked the door and took the key with me.

"You'll be okay! I promise..." Amber said to Iris as we left the room.

**Amber's POV**

We walked downstairs and the first thing I saw was Calum sitting on the couch in the living room. I saw him face an became angry... the bastard was fucking smirking at us, like he was proud of what he did.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I asked/yelled.

"My problem? Well let's see... your slutty little sister has hurted my best friends feelings by cheating on him... that's my fucking problem!"

"She hasn't done anything! She was with me the whole time!"

"Yeah sure, maybe you had a little threesome!" He yelled and I saw another emotion in his eyes.

"Sure, like that's possible in these little toilettestalls!"

"You're a fucking slut, just like your sister!"


"Make me!" He said with a fucking smirk on his face.

"Calum, I think it's better if you go home..." Michael said.

"Why? So you can try and fuck her because that's what you want hue... isn't it Mikey?"

"E-excuse me? You get one more chance, if you don't leave now I will punch you so hard you won't remember your name..."

"Is that a threat Michael?"

"No, just a warning..." Michael said as he stepped closer to Calum.

"We'll see who won't remember his name!" Calum said as he got up.

He was now face to face with Michael so that's when I stepped in. I took a handfull of his hair and took him out the door where I gave him a little push.

"Please come back when you're off your period bitch." I said as I closed the door in his face.

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