chapter 13-part 1: Brit awards

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AN//: so well guys as you may know whe have a Twitter (@Exchagestudents) and an Instagram (@Exchange_Students), sometimes We have trouble with the Instagram, because since

We both have persnol accounts (@AmberMathyssen1 & @Iris_TommoGirl) and when we log of it won't alway work to log in again :/ and another thing, if you juise our Instagram/Twitter for the pics, please like/favorite the pics.. So we know or its juise full or not :/ so now enjoy the story guys :D -Amber&Iris

**Iris POV**

I woke up from some noises coming from down stairs. I opened one eye and the first thing I saw was,


"AAAH" I screamed. "what the fuck are you doing' ?! You scared the shit out of me!" I yelled at him as I heard a little moan coming from behind me.

"babe, why are you yelling" he asked in his raspy morning voice.

"that shit brother of me scared me!" I spat while pointing at Ashton.

"wel that's because we need to leave in 2 hours!" Ashton yelled to exited.

"why?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"the Brits are tomorrow, and we are going! So you need to pack so we can leave." He said walking up to my closet and walking out with my suitcase. "you need clothes for one the plane, before the Brits and for at the Brits, and for 3 days after" he said leaving me and Luke alone.

"why didn't you tell me about the Brits?" I asked him. "I don't have a dress!" I panicked.

"you have plenty of dresses so don't worry!" he groans.

"well no do you wane go shop with me for a dress pwetty pwease" I said with puppy-dog eyes.

"okay. Now go pack your bags mine are already packed." He said and turned around.

I got up and rushed to my closet.

"ow we will have a stylist over there so don't worry about make-up and stuff. We will go shop today after we arrive, what will be 1 o'clock English time so we can go shop. And bring sweatpants for at the stylist. She styles us and than we can put our clothes on." Luke yelled after me.

I took my 'I love Luke Hemmings' sweatpants for on the plane and the stylist thing Luke told me about. my white 1D hoodie and my 'reality sucks' top for on the plane. now starts the real work; my 'Hemmo1996' crop top for at the stylist. okay I will be meeting Lisa, Anica, Noa and Jonas anyway so I will take some clothes with me for the park and Starbucks. I took my galaxy leggings and some black heels with studs. I also took my winter Starbucks phone case and a pink bow for my hair. I also took my red leggings, a black shirt with long sleeves, my black scarves and a white jacket with back drawings on it. for a walk with Luke. I could show him Big Ben and stuff like that. I took my pink bunny phone case to match it. I also like a day doing nothing. So I just take some leggings a top and a vest. I will also wear this on the plane later the night. I take my soft brown UGG's. now I only need something to wear for shopping.... Ow fuck! If I don't know what I will be wearing, than what phone case do I need to pick?! Maybe I'm a little over reacting, but hey, I love phone cases! So I will probably a new one than. So shop clothes. I just took my cream collar dress and a black vest, some nylons and some red Docs. (all outfits will be on our Instagram)

I went back to my room and placed everything in my suitcase. I showered yesterday morning, but I'm to tired to take a shower now so I just spray some dry shampoo on my hair. I brush it out after to minutes and heed down stairs with Luke and my suitcase. We drove to the airport and got on a private plane immediately. I slept the whole time since me and Luke were going to shop right after we arrived.

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