chapter 25: dresses everywhere!

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** Iris' POV**

Prom is in three weeks and since Luke asked me to be his date; I'll need to buy a dress. Amber would help me choose a dress. I just got out of my dress while Luke was still fast asleep in my bed. I walked to my closet and took cow printed trousers and a pink crop top with music notes on it. my black timberlands look nice under this trousers so I took them. I did on some simple make up and changed my phone cover from 'Pink Floyd' to 'More issues than VOUGUE'. before leaving my room I took my airplane neckless, a little pink handbag with a bow and my 'Stay Cute' jacket. I gave Luke a quick kiss and headed downstairs. Amber, Anne and Ashton were already downstairs eating breakfast.

Anne was going to bring us to the mall and Ash was waiting for Mikey and Calum. I sat beside Amber on the counter and asked for my Yorkshire Tea because I couldn't find it. I was slowly starting to get a panic attack or something and I was really trying to stay calm.

"It's under the sink with your and Amber's cereals" Anne answered.

"Oh my God, thank you Anne!" I said as I took the box of tea.

I took some boiling water and made my Yorkshire Tea with two sugars and a cloud of milk. When we were about to leave to the mall, Ashton grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

"We're going to the mall." She answered confused.


"For a prom dresses."

"Do y-you have a date?" He asked disappointed and I could see where this was going.

"No, I'm just helping Iris..." she sighted.

"Well, I thought maybe you would like t-to go with m-me..." he stuttered and blushed.

Aww how cute! I knew this would happen.

"Okay." She said ice cold, took my hand and we walked outside.

"Oh my God!" I said excited. "I knew this was going to happen!" I was jumping around...

"SHOTGUN!" I yelled and got into the front seat before Amber even reached the car. Amber was silence the whole drive to the mall. When Anne dropped us off I asked her what the hell was bothering her.

"Nothing, I'm just tired.' She answered and gave me a fake smile.

"I'm your sister, I can see you're lying... you can tell me!" I said as I leaded her to a bench. We sat down and I looked at her. "Well, tell me what happened!"

"Normally Tyler would be my date." She started but before she could continue I interrupted her. "So, why didn't you tell Ash?"

"If you would let me continue, you would know... things aren't going really well between us lately."

** Amber's POV**

I told Iris what happened last night.


"Calum, why would you say something like that?" I asked while we were walking down the street.

"Did you look at her? She was hot!" He answered.

"Never call a girl hot! She's not a fucking stove or something!" I said as he chuckled.

"Okay, she was stunning, almost as beautiful as you." He smiled and took me in a hug but the moment was soon to be ruined by my 'lovely' boyfriend pulling Calum away from me quite harshly. This resulted with me face palming the floor and Tyler hovering over Calum.

"EX-CUUU-SEE ME, what the fuck was that for?" I yelled as I pulled myself in a sitting position. Tyler ignored me and kept saying nasty things to Calum.

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