chapter 17-part 2: spring break

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AN//: sorry I don't upload much but I have to do a lot for school and in the weekends is my boyfriend around most times or I go out with mu Squat or best friend :/ so thats why I give you a dubble update :) love you all :) :* ~Iris

**Ilke's POV**

I was packing my suitcase while calling with Louis... I was so excited! I haven't seen Amber in so long... Lisa and Morgan will be coming too so that's good! I know Iris misses them both because now I know what it feels like to miss your best friend!

Lisa lives down my street and because we know each other, because of parties at the girls house, we decided to drive together to the airport and on our way we would pick up Morgan too. Louis will come by himself because he wanted to drive his own car.

We needed to check in at 3 am so I needed to sleep before we would leave... it's now 8.45 pm so I climbed into my bed when everything was packed, I fell asleep instantly.

My alarm clock went off at 2 am and I got up to take a shower. I washed my hair and cleaned my body. When I was done I got out dried off my body and got dressed. It all took about 20 minutes. I went downstairs, got something to eat and went back upstairs to brush my teeth.

I took my bags and went downstairs so I could put my suitcases in the trunk. I promised Lisa I would pick her up at 2.30 so I needed to leave before I would be late.

I arrived at Lisa's and she was already waiting outside. I got out and helped her put all her stuff in the car, and let's face it... the girl has a lot of stuff with her! We drove away and picked up Morgan. The two girls' chit chatted in the back of the car while I drove us to the airport, silently humming along with the radio.

We arrived at the airport at 2.50, just in time! Louis was waiting outside of the airport, watching his watch every 5 seconds.

"We're here!" I yelled.

"Finely! We're almost late!" He answered as we walked inside. We did all the stuff we needed to before we had to kill more than an hour... We went to Starbucks and talked and ate some cookies. It was actual really nice and I got to know Lisa and Morgan better, they're really nice!

Before we knew it, our flight was ready to board and that's what we did... the moment the plane left I passed out. Louis woke me up when we needed to get out of the plane to catch the next one... When that one left, I stayed awake... I like flying so much but I'm scared too, like there's so much that can go wrong in a plane...

After a long time on the plane, we finely arrived in Sydney. I was more excited than ever before, it feels like I'm going to burst out of my skin with excitement. We got out of the plane, and went to get our suitcases.

** Iris' POV**

I woke up from Luke pulling my arm. what is going on?

"what are you doing" I groaned.

"you need to wake up! we are going to do something today!" Luke said exited, to exited...

I got out of my bed and wow, it was cold in here?! What the fuck happened? Its fall... but in Australia!! Its never cold here!! I took my bed covers and walked to my dressing room.

"do I need to dress already?" I yelled?

"no!" Luke yelled back "not yet"

I pulled on some sweatpants, my black 'fuck off/me/you' sweater and UGG's. I headed down stairs, took a blanked looked for the TV remote and cuddled into the couch. Everyone was having breakfast but I didn't feel like having some.

"okay guys, what are we going to do now seriously" Amber groaned. Luke looked on his phone and smiled.

" five more minutes girls! Than we will tell you" he grinned and cuddled on the couch with me.

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