chapter 14-part 2: festival weekend

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**Amber's POV**

I woke up, just in a shirt... why was I naked underneath? Okay what happened yesterday? I hope the boys have brought some painkillers with them because my head hurts... and all those unanswered questions didn't help.

I looked around and saw the others passed out; okay I suppose that I should wake them up since it was almost noon. I stood up but realised that the tent was too small so I bumped my head and heard something outside, a second later the tent fell down at one side.

Oops, I think a pin had shot out of the ground. Instead of waking them up, I walked outside and pulled all the pins out. I sat down, scrolling down my phone... I took some pictures for twitter and Instagram.

5 minutes later a loud scream filled my ears, ah they woke up. I started filming the whole thing. First you only saw the tent move and people mumble things. Then you saw a head coming out of the tent and he looked furious, of course it was Ashton.

When he saw me sitting there, laughing my butt off, he stared to yell at me. Like come on, it was just a joke. I didn't realised I was still filming until Michael came sitting next to me and took my phone. When I looked back up I saw everybody outside... when did they came out? Guess I'll never know.

I looked back to where Ashton stood only to see he was walking away. I stood up and ran after him.

"Ashton, wait!" I yelled.

"Just leave me alone!" He yelled back.

"No, Ashton, just talk to me!" I said back, since I was just behind him. He turned around, with tears in his eyes... but not because he was sad, it was because he was furious.

"I said, leave me ALONE! Amber why do you NEVER listen?!" He yelled.

"First, you don't have to YELL! I'm right behind you! Second, if you would just tell me why you're so grumpy all the time, I wouldn't stand here, asking for an explanation." I said back calmly.

" Maybe because Michael tried to rape Iris and Luke almost beaded the shit out of him and You fucked Calum, remember..." He said back, with his eyebrows knitted.

"What? Ashton, I'm in a relationship with Tyler. I wouldn't do something like that." I laughed.

"You've got to be kidding me!" He said and turned around.

**Ashton's POV**

"You've got to be kidding me!" I said and turned around.

"Ashton, wait...." Amber said, while taking my wrist and pulling at it.

"When were you going to tell me?" I asked, my voice breaking at the end.

"Ashton, listen... it's not what it looks like..." She started but I interrupted her. "That's not what I asked! I asked: 'When were you going to tell me?'."

"Ashton, it's not that simple! I wanted to tell you but for some unknown reason you hate him! I just didn't want to hurt you..." she said and I saw the tears build up in her eyes. I took her in a hug and started to rub her back.

"I'm so, so sorry Ashton! I promise I won't do it ever again! Please just don't hate me... I know it's wrong to keep it a secret but you know somehow everybody hates him and I think I'm falling in love with him." She cried on my shoulder.

"Amber, it's okay... just, you can't be in love with him..." I told her.

"Why not Ash? I really, really like him. And it's hard, knowing you're friends or even you're brother hate him but they won't tell you why!" She continued to cry.

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