part 28: Prom

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**Amber's POV**

After breakfast and the make up between Luke and Iris, I sat on the couch with the boys and Iris.

"Hey, iris... I've got an idea." I said.

"Oh no, here we go again." Ashton said as I gave him a glare.

"Tell me!" Iris said with a laugh.

"You know how I want to get another tattoo? Let's do it now!" I said really excited.

"Well, why not... let's do it!" She said as she got up to get ready as I followed her lead.

When I was ready, I went downstairs and waited for Iris. When she came down, the two of us headed out of the door. We walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus.

After 20minutes doing nothing but listen to music the bus finally arrived. We sat down on the bus and I looked around me. There was this elder coupled laughing at something their grandchild had said. There was also a young girl, smiling at her phone.

Before I knew it, it was time to get out of the bus. The bus stopped right in front of the tattoo shop. We stepped inside and were instantly met with a small redheaded girl.

"Hi, I'm Megan. Can I help you?" The girl asked.

"Yeah,we are here to get a tattoo. I would like a small one on my wrist." I answered.

"And I would like something on my wrist too" Iris said.

"Okay, I can show you a book with different tattoo ideas so you could choose something." Megan said again.

"That would be amazing. Thank you." I said as we followed her further into the shop, behind a curtain. She gave us a book and let us be to choose the tattoo we wanted. I choose a simple heart, because I feel like I've found my heart and myself here again. Iris choose a replay, pause, play, forward and shuffle symbols like on an iPod

Iris wanted to go first and I didn't mind so I let her. She sat down on the chair as I stood beside her.

"Is this your first tattoo?" Megan asked as she was preparing the needles.

"Yes it is, I've been thinking about it for a while but never got the guts and time to come here." Iris answered.

"And what made you change your mind."

"My sister wanted to get another tattoo and I decided to come along."

"So you have a tattoo already?" Megan asked me this time.

"Yes, I have 3 birds near my heart..." I answered.

"Oh does it have meaning?"

"Yes the bird in front stands for our brother who has past away and the two birds in the back stands for Iris and I because he kind of has left us behind."

"Oh, tell me about him..."

"I rather not, I'm sorry." I said with no emotion in my voice.

"Okay, you're all done." She said and smiled at Iris.

"Hey Amber, I've got an idea... let's get matching tattoos." Iris said.

"And what would that be?" I asked as I sat down on the big chair.

"We should get the letter 'K' as reminder for Kyle.."

"I like that Idea! I want it on my ankle." I said

"That's a great idea. Could you give us another tattoo on our ankle? A letter K please." Iris asked Megan.

"Of course love. Both of you?"

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