Could it be love again

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Love can happen in the oddest places but many people find love at work.
I will never forget Adrian Bird. I was working at the Public Aid office as a security officer before a made a big career move.
There was a clerk working in the building that was my reason for showing up everyday. I think I had perfect attendance the whole time I worked there.
She looked like the character Thelma from the TV show Good Times.
She was a little older than me by 5 years but I didn't care. I had to have me some Thelma lol. One day I caught her sitting at her desk. We were having our usual conversation when things in the office were slow. She had these thick ass lips and the beautiful athletic body that I never grew tired of.
Then it happened. "Adrian I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me"? "I'd love to go out with you".
I fought with myself to contain my excitement because she was damn near perfection, at least on her looks. After a couple of really nice dates and weeks of fun and stimulating conversation. I was at her house sitting on the couch. I leaned in to kiss her and oh my God I was instantly in love. I stopped long enough to ask her to be my girlfriend and with no hesitation she said yes. In fact her exact words were " what took you so long to ask"?
I would cook her favorite meal and bring her lunch, I have her pedicures on weekends and sewed her clothes if she had a hole in her favorite pants.
She opened my adult life to adult activities. I went to comedy clubs, stepper clubs, concerts, plays and water parks. All these things were so knew to me. Her mom and her dad loved me.
I was so sure I had found my wife but I soon found out just why she was single in the first place. One day I was at work and before me and Adrian started dating I was going out to lunch with another co worker name Karen. She was beautiful too. We were kinda feeling each other but we kept it to ourselves. It was the indirect flirting that let the cat out the bag.
She was slim with a very fair complexion. She was almost flat chested but had a nice little butt and long legs. Her face was one of and angel and she had these huge pink, puffy lips with hazel grey eyes and long curly hair.
One day we were getting ready to do our usual lunch and Adrian called me over to her desk.
" What's up baby"? You gone have to stop going to lunch with your little friend. My man doesn't go out to lunch with other women.
" We are just friends". Fine be friends but you can't got out to lunch with her.
At that moment I felt so bad. How do I tell her I can't have lunch with her anymore?
I went to her office to explain that we couldn't have lunch anymore. I figured she would take it better than she did. This chick was down right pissed. This let me know this these lunch dates were more to her than just lunch dates. She was feeling me harder than she let on. In fact she never spoke to me again after that day.
Adrian had double standards though.
She went skating every single Sunday in the south suburbs but she would never tell me exactly where.
Adrian wanted me to stop having lunch with my friend but was going skating and meeting up with her male friends that were skaters and didn't want me to make a scene.
I said why do I have to stop socializing with my friends but you get to keep yours and her reason was simple.
She explained that she knew her friends since highschool.
She also couple skated with them.
She never invited me not once. I found out something else too.
She never changed her clothes when I was there. She always made me leave before she changed. I found out it was because she knew I wasn't going to like what she put on and didn't want to argue about it. See Adrian liked to show off her body every chance she got. Funny how Karma works and I will explain why I say that later.
Adrian also had an issue with my clothes. She actually wouldn't let my go with her to her family house for Thanksgiving unless I bought another pair of shoes. I represented her so I had to look the part. Another double standard. I sure couldn't tell her what to put on.
As time went on more and more things came out. I would tell her I love her only to learn she didn't love me back. She would say " I love being loved by you".
Is she out of my league or is this bitch crazy?
Other issues surfaced like I didn't make enough money for her. She made twice as much as me. She had a state jobs and she was kinda snobby.
I was battling to just keep up with her.
One day it was her birthday and I couldn't drop the ball. Only money I had was my rent money and she wanted Eric Benet tickets. He was performing at The House of Blues the week of her birthday so I got them. I also got her flowers and another clothing gift.
She never knew I put myself in the red that month. In fact I almost got evicted.
After that the arguments got more frequent and then she insulted me. I was at her house and we were watching TV. She was watching the buffed male escorts on the Jenny Jones show and I couldn't get her to pay me any attention.
I fanned my hand over her eyes and it only infuriated her. " Stop"! She said as she fanned my hand away. " So you like that huh"? " Yeah, that's how I wish you looked".
I was so hurt but thought I was in love so I bought so Amino acids and went to the gym. 3 months later I had put on 30 lbs of muscle. I was buffed and looking better than I ever did but nothing pleased her and one day she broke up with me. Remember I said karma is a bitch? After I left her I got a state job, added 10 more lbs of muscle, and the last time I saw her she didn't have that body anymore either. She tried to get me to call her after she found out I came up but I learned I could do better than her. She was looking for a man to take care of her so she could quit her job. I told her I wasn't always going to make 7 bucks an hour but she didn't listen. Why be with someone that didn't love me anyway.
I will definitely miss the sex in the security office at work but won't miss the dry pussy. She said it was medical but let that be some other man's problem.
I wanted someone that would love me for me and not because of what I brought to the table.
She should have treated me better. Beside I never got back to people that dump me. I can't give you that satisfaction.

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