Salina and Kris (My Two Favorite Snow Flakes).

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I lived in the hood so white girls didn't exist. I have a special love for me a "snow flake".
It all start in Toronto Canada. Me and my boy Dewayne decided to play hooky from work one Friday and take little three day vacation. Me and Dee worked security together at the Illinois Department of Human Services. We met on the job and he became my big brother over night.
I was 21 and he was 26 at the time and not only were we five years apart our birthdays were only 5 days apart too.
Dee had a confidence that I just didn't develop, at least not at that time but it wasn't long before my confidence grew.
Just a couple of weeks before we planned this trip Dee helped me get my driver's license. I love being around people that help you grow as a person and Dee was definitely that person. He borrowed his sister's car and just came over one morning and said let's go, you're driving.
I didn't know where we were going till he had me pull into the DMV.
I passed the test and a new era in my life started. I got my taxes and he not only picked me out a car but took me to pick it up. It was a 1978 Buick LeSabre.
I had never been out of the country before.
This was before passports were manitory. I drove right into Toronto while Dee was taking a nap.
One night we went to a party on the lake front and that's where I met Mary. My first white girl love.
She was so thick and curvy and she was 14 yrs my senior.
I got sick at the party and went back to the hotel while Dee stayed and had fun with a mature snow flake he met at the party.
Mary called me at the hotel about 2 am and asked me to come over.
I drove to her house where she met me at the door in a white robe.
We sat down and attempted to have a cup of tea but the way she allowed her robe to expose her perky double D's and creamy thighs gave me a different idea.
Before I knew it I was having a intercontinental one night stand and boy was it incredible. Her body was like nothing I've ever seen before and I definitely graduate to freak that day.
I held her beautiful blond hair as she sucked my dick as if doing so would put the fire out in her throat. She had pussy as tight as a virgin and I fucked her in the ass three times filling her with my young baby batter.
She went from ass to mouth after every round
I was hood on thick white girls and almost became a Canadian. We fucked non stop from 3am to 9 am.
I thought about her everyday for years with the intend to go back one day but I just never happened.
Soon after, I met two other white girls
that would both impact my life differently.
Salina was my second white girlfriend. She looked like a younger version of Mary and was equally as freaky. We dated for a while and then just stayed friends. She ended up with a new boyfriend but that didn't stop her from fucking me. In fact, she help me move into her building. Soon as her man left for you she came to knock on my door so I could knock on her cervix.
Then there was Kristen. I lived across the hall from her. She was my best friend until she started selling drugs and her crackhead clients started knocking on my door when she wasn't home. People use to think me and Kris
were having sex but we were just close. On hot days she would just come in my house at night and climb in my bed half naked because I had a air conditioner and yes she had the key to my apartment.
Kris was the blackest white chick I ever met and I loved her with all my heart. We barbecued on the fire escape together. We would sit on the toilet and talk while the other one was in the shower. We went to the movies and she sometimes would cook food for me and leave it on the stove so when I came home from work I didn't have to cook.
I wanted to sleep with Kris but our friendship was priceless.
She had a boy friend name Greg and he was the tall wanna be thug
He was so confident and cocky he didn't care about me and Kris hanging out all the time. In fact my gf at the time Cindy was cool with Kris.
Cindy was Puerto Rican. Kris's boyfriend fucked Cindy in the bathroom after a party and Kris told me. That was the end of white chicks for me. I liked Cindy a lot but that's the storyline of my life. No cutie pie, no future wife.
It wouldn't be that last time I'd be scarred by a woman. I attracted the worlds most fucked up women.
Where was the show cheaters back then?

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