Hood Roots (Charise) Part 6

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My sister is fucking amazing. She is literally the toughest bitch I've ever met in my life. We have the same parents but she adapted to the hood in a way that I never could.
She actually became the hood whereas I kinda learned to tread water. They called my sister C-Mac. She was as gangster as a bitch could get. She was always fighting and to my relief most of those fights were to protect my fragile ass.
It was like bullies could smell the weak on me like a lion stalking weak pray.
My sister couldn't even play jump rope without fighting. " Bitch learn how to turn the fucking rope" she would say right before she bust Eisha over the head with a brick. Even the boys younger than me fucked with me.
Kenny was 3 years young than me and decided it was picked on Lamont day. Charles decided it was Kenny goes to the hospital day. She kicked him in the stomach with the force of a mule and he had to get stitches in his stomach.
No one dared fuck with me when she was around but one problem was she couldn't always be around.
The other problem was my sister's moto was no one could beat up her brother other than her and best she did with great ease.
This is why I was almost 100% percent sure she had Cletus's legs broke. If not by hand, it could have easily been one of her goons.
It was embarrassing to have your sister beating up everyone for you at the same time empowering.
She fought the biggest dudes. Taking punches and shaking that shit off like a fly landed on her. She never backed down out of even one fight.
Little did I know my sister got involved in the gang life. She was a BGD. That's Black Gangster Disciple. Gangs were common in the area. In fact, I became a track star in my hood. Me and my buddies I spent many days running from gang bangers that just loved seeing our asses run and we gave them exactly what they wanted.
Anyway, the only time I liked when my sister fought for me is when girls would try to fight me.
I hated fight girls. My dad say don't hit them, fuck them but fucking just wasn't going to happen for my nerd ass.
I could always use the excuse that I can't fight girls to get out of those fights and let my sister do what she did best. There was a big difference though when my sister fought girl over when she fought boys.
Boys gave her somewhat of a challenge but girls.
These fights were just downright brutal. You ever seen a pitbull fight a Pomeranian? There would be hair everywhere. You would think my sister carried hair clippers on her.
My sister was strong with a low center of gravity at 5 foot 5. The had powerful legs and could toss a bitch around like a bag of garage.
In fact, I've never seen her lose a fight.
Despite being one tuff chick it never stopped the boys from following her. I was never actually sure if they actually liked her or she threatened them into submission.
She was cute in a gangsta bitch kinda way. She never really turned off the tough bitch exterior, at least not around me. By age 16 my sister had gotten her own place and had given me my first twin niece and nephew.
I wouldn't have survived the hood without her and I know that for certain.
She was the perfect big sister growing up. 

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