My dad

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Most people cant say they had a father in their life but I'm kinda blessed to have known where my father was all my life even if he wasn't around too much.
My dad has his good points and his bad points. Let's start with the bad.
There are no first time parental experts but my dad could never master the parental thing at all. He also is not the best role model.
I'm going to spare him on his bad points and try to embellish on his good points..
He is definitely a hard worker and does his best to provide when he is in the house hold and he is great when giving advice even if it's not good or even logical or well thought out.
He is super vain and can be somewhat chauvinists at times. Wait, I was supposed to be focusing on his good points.
This is a man that is great with his hands and is very creative. He can be somewhat of a MacGyver and I definitely got that trait from him.
He is not to most educated man. Infact  I don't think he reads very well and does his best to hide it.
Oops, there I go again. I can't stay on his good points so I'm going to tell you a story about my fondest memory of my father.
It was August 1980 and at that time my father was actually living with us. My mom and dad must have had a few dollars to burn because going to a movie was just unheard of. Infact this was the only memory I have of ever going out to the movies with either of my parents.
My father sprung for tickets to see Chuck Norris in The Octagon.
My pop was a big martial arts fanatic.
He use to teach me a few things growing up. He would always say he was a black belt but I knew he was a T.V black belt.
You know, you watch enough martial art movies and you feel like you are Bruce Lee. I never wanted to bust his bubble. My dad had this macho thing any sign of femininity or weakness was a negative for my father.
Anyway, sitting in a movie theater with my parents was incredible. We laughed, we jumped in our seats, we smiled and everything in life was just ok.
It was also the first time I tasted movie theater popcorn. Is it just me or that butter they put on popcorn at the movies is like no other?
We be at home and trying to get our popcorn to taste just like that shit but we never get it quite right.
My dad has never given my money or played any type of sport with me.
In fact the only thing my father ever taught me was not to knock up my girlfriends. To this very day I have no biological kids. Once again I struggle to find my father's good points.
I must admit I don't even make an attempt to call me dad on father's dad.
Some might say that I should try to have a relationship with my dad now that I'm grown.
Well it takes two to tango and my dad has two left feet. I remember me and my two older brothers were at my uncle's house celebrating the holidays.
It is rare that me and my brothers are in the same room so we called dad to see if he wanted to join us.
You know what my dad said? He will have to pass this time because he was going fishing.
He rather fish than be with his sons?
Yet when he had a stroke he expected all his kids to show up to see him and we all did too. We dropped everything to be by his side but we ask him to come see us and this punk ass nigga wants to go fishing.
I could have slapped his Scooby Doo looking ass for that insult but he is my dad.  Are you allowed to slap your dad? I just want to reach back like a 70's pump and slap the fuck out of him sometimes. I even visualize it every so often.
I don't hate my dad I just don't like his ass. I try but the more I try to love him he just gives me another reason to want to fuck him up.
I be like when this nigga die imma buy a line box with no cushion and prop his ass up against the cemetery fence. Too bad that would be against the law. Maybe I can take him on one last fishing trip in Florida and push his ass in with the Gators but they probably get a tummy ache and his goof-ass probably out live me.
I do my best to have a good life just so I can say my success had nothing to do with him.
I was living on the North side of Chicago and my dad was telling me how he was behind in rent and the landlord was going to out him out.
My lease was up so I decided to move in with my dad to help him catch up with the rent then I'd move out and get me a new place.
I moved in one summer evening and I gave him 1100 bucks which my dad swore he would pay me back. I knew that was a lie when I gave it to him. My father has never had 1100 dollars at one time in his life I don't think.
He couldn't pay back the tooth fairy for an advance on his tooth under the fucking pillow.
One day after a long days work I came home and as I walked in the door I got a wif of an odd odor.
I knew that odor but couldn't figure out what the fuck it was. Then it hit me about a week later and I understood why my dad was behind on his rent. The odor that filled the house was crack.
My dad informed me that the landlord was still putting us out and we had a month to move. How could this be when I gave him the equivalent of 3 months rent?
You trying to tell me this selfish mother fucking gone have me on the street because he smoked up the damn rent?
It's was time for plan B. I ended up finding an apartment on the south side of the city. My father asked me could he come with me but it was only a room for rent and even if I did get an apartment the last person I want to live with is a mother fucker with addictions.
He gave no fucks about me being on the street when he smoked my hard earned pay checks so I gave zero fucks about where he rested his marble head. My father went back to live with my grandma and his wife went back to her mom's house.
Grown as man living with his mom?
What a fucking role model.

Hood RootsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora