Hood Roots (In My Feelings) part 7

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7th grade was the beginning of a lot of things in my life and that included crushes. I had 3 major crushes in the 7th grade. My teacher Ms. Applewood, my classmate Lisa and my classmate Tina. Ms. Applewood was a very well-spoken black lady. I don't think I ever missed a day of school and despite the untimely boners I wanted to be near her every fucking chance I got.
Ms. A wore these smokey classes and had a body stronger the Bacardi.
She also had a problem with her right arm. We use to think it was fake because she never really used it. I asked her about it once but all she would say is she injured it.
She had awesome legs and I zoomed in on her lips with great attentiveness as she pronounced her words.
I had ever intent on growing up and fucking my teacher.
Take off the fake arm and let Lamont slap the fat firm ass.
Then there was Lisa. She was cute with a Jerry Curl. I didn't understand the benefits of hips and full lips back then but I know I liked them and Lisa had the best hip lip combination in the whole damn school.
Lastly was Tina. Tall, skinny with a bowling ball for an ass and stew coolers that could cool a bowl of soup in the next county.
Needless to say, my hormones where out of control but even though I had many distractions I was getting the best grades of my life.
My focus was intense when I came to Ms. A. I wanted to hear everything that this lady had to say. I would ask her questions just to hear her voice and so she could stand up and write on the chalkboard. Her skirt hugged that ass like it was one size too small.
I think her booty cheeks were looking at me. I eye fucked her every chance I got. This was one situation where I wished she was a pedophile. I wouldn't have told anyone 🤣.
At the end of a long school day, I had the honor of walking Tina to her house. Tina was kind unique and some of the boys made fun of her behind her back. They called her the fish lip girl.
I didn't know anything about oral sex back then other than what I saw in photos from porn mags I got from my friend Alfred.
So my love for her lips was just instinctive. She wore her jeans so right and it showed every inch of her curvy money frame. One day I walked Tina home from school. I was so happy. The sun was shining and you could see her light brown eye almost glow in her head. She had this long swan-like neck and this sweet innocence about her that gave me a boner.
"Thank you for walking me home Lamont". "You're welcome Tina".
Tina leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips and I went nuts.
My dick was so hard I thought I'd blow in my pants. I ran home and best my dick till it was black and blue. I felt so loved at that moment. I and Tina never became an item. When you only get to see each other at school it doesn't give you much bonding time but I wouldn't trade that walk home for the world.
Lisa was a whole other story. Lisa was kinda mean. At least towards me at first. She later softened up to talking to me and we keep things friendly.
She never knew how much I like her but it was ok. I knew I was out of her league and accept it. I just wasn't the cool kid. In fact, every girl I thought was fine was just not feeling me.
My sister had besties. Michelle Cindy and Trina. Trina was Tyra's banks' clone. Tall and classy. Michelle was a tomboy with wide hips and big boobs. Cindy was the neighborhood dyme piece. I was cool coo for coco puffs over this girl just like every other guy in the hood.
I use to hate when she patted me on my damn head like a fucking puppy. I wanted her to pat my solider when I present arms 😆. She would come into the room me and my sister shared and sit on my bed. I use to sleep with my head on that spot until my mom made me change the bedsheets.
I never had much luck with a girl until one summer.
I was hanging out with my classmates Tony, Mel, and C.J in the high rises they lived in, you know, the ones I passed up on the way to school. Mel was one of the biggest guys in the school. In fact, we all were. C.J was the tallest boy in school. Mel was second, Tony was Third and I was fifth. C.J was a big teddy bear.
We became friends after a fight in which he punches me in the mouth and I had to get my bottom lip stitched back on.
I kinda asked for it. I got mad at school and told him I was going to beat him up after school. I was trying so hard to toughen up but picking the biggest dude in school to pick a fight with wasn't so smart. He didn't even want to fight.
" come on mother fucker, you scare"?
"Look man I don't even wanna fight you". I threw one punch in hopes to make the fight look good but he threw one back and lights out.
He did take me to the school to get medical treatment from the school nurse.
" I told your ass I didn't want to fight man". " Yeah, but couldn't you have tried harder to get me to come to my senses"? " I did but your ass got to swinging those boney arms".
We both laughed about it and became good friends.
Tony was the pretty boy. Tall, light skin, brown hair, with a soft for. He was also the smartest and nicest boy in school.
Mel was his buddy. I never really liked his ass. He thought his shit didn't stink. He parent had money for people living in the projects. I think we all hung out with him for the same reason, his mother.
She was the MILF of the millennium. Baby got back. When she came before us we left enough drool to fill a swimming pool.
Anyway, this was the pack.
We were on the third floor hanging out one day and this random light skin girl just opened her door and said hey you come here. She was beautiful. Tony walked over to the door. " Not you, him" she specified. She was pointing at me. My friends were teasing me as I walked nervously over to her.
She was definitely in high school but I never got her name. " You wanna come inside and talk"? I said yeah, cool, trying to show some confidence. I was in the house and sat on the couch. We talked for five mins and we started kissing. I couldn't believe it. Why me?
I had never kissed before let alone with my tongue. She taught me how to kiss.
She put my hand on her breast under her shirt and I got a the boner of all boners. I put my hand down her shorts and touch my first pussy. It was so hot and so, WET 😆.
I was I about to lose my virginity to this girl who's name I didn't even know?
Then there was a knock on the door. She jumped up and opened the door. There stood the guy, late teens early 20's
and he looked pissed off that I was there.
Oh my God, I knew this guy. He is known for his bad temper. He was the older cousin of one of my good friends. I use to go over my friend's house and this evil mother fucker would answer the door. He looked like a darker version of rapper T.I.
He promptly beat my ass but recognized me as his cousin's friend and spared my life 😆. He put me out and slammed the door.
I never saw her again but I thank her for give this nerd boy some groove action.

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