Hood Roots (funny farm) Part 10

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Life will throw u curve balls and definitely doesn't get easier.
The curveballs only get more complicated. You just have to get better at hitting curveballs. If you don't adopt this way of thinking life won't ever be less stressful.
After that stay in the hospital, I didn't go back home to my dad. They took me to this other hospital. I took one look at the padding on the walls and knew exactly where I was.
There were other kids my age there and we all seemed to have similar issues but there where a rare few with problems that dwarfed mine.
Rose was this sweet Hispanic girl. She was always asking people if they liked her. I learned not to say yes because if you did, she started taking off her clothes and trying to put your hand down her pants.
You would think that was a good thing at 16 years old and horny but there were stiff penalties for sexual contact and I had enough fucking trouble.
It turns out Rose's father use to sneak in her room at night and have his way with her.
She would wake up screaming every night and wake up every patient on the floor. The nurses would run in and give her enough meds to knock out a lion.
Then there was hector, this tall Puerto Rican. He came in kicking and screaming until he spotted all the cute Latin girls on the unit. He became a celebrity overnight. Rico Suave decided he could stay for a little while. Then you had Sharlet, my stalker. She would stand in her door way just outside the view of the cameras naked.
I was the only one that could see her. She was 6 feet tall and hard of hearing. She was cool but I had my personal issues to work on, besides it wasn't like I could have touched her even if I wanted to.
Patient came and went. Some came in the easy way and some came in a hard way. One day Hector wanted to leave. He had fallen in love with Ruby. She was this 13-year-old beauty. She was like Christina Milian times 2.
The plan was to break out of the hospital and run away to Puerto Rico and get married. Hector had it all planned out in his head but in his head was the extent of his plan. Ruby didn't care though because the sun didn't shine till she saw Hector.
How do they get pass the security door?
One day during a visit one of Hector's family members slipped him some booger sugar. Our rooms were right next door to each other so we would sit in the door from just outside of camera view and talk.
" Hey, Lamont". What up Hector? Man, I got some Coke. I like Pepsi, over Coke.
"naw not pop man, nose candy, cocaine ". Oh, damn dog, where you get that shit from? My people brought it in during the visit. I'm about to get high as fuck.
" Can I have some"? New man, this a bit you. You can't ready for shit like this Hector said.
I will be back.
Hector went in his room to sniff the coke.
10 minutes later..
"Hey Lamont, What up Hector? Man, I'm high as fuck. I'm going to get out of here, you wanna come with me? No man I got shit I need to work on. I'm actually getting the help I need.
Well it was nice meeting you dog, I'm out of here. The next thing I knew Hector ran out his room and ran threw a glass door that led to the elevators. He was smart and waited till there was only lady staff on duty.
The sound of the glasses breaking got everyone on the floors attention. He ran through that glass like the Terminator. I looked out my window and saw him running down North ave. He was running like a runaway slave.
I knew I'd never see Hector again.
I got the go-ahead the following week to leave and I was off to a new home too. My future wasn't certain but I now had the mental tools to get through the next few decades of my life.

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