Chapter 15: Crescent Moon

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"Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets." -Paul Tournier


*Jack's POV*

Watching Jack go is the hardest thing I've done since leaving my family. I almost run after her, but my feet are frozen to the ground. I keep staring at the moon long after Jack leaves, silently scolding myself for letting her go.

Eventually the sun rises, and I can't stand in this same spot forever. I notice that the sun didn't seem intimidating anymore-there is no burning anywhere in my body-and it is nice to feel its warmth.

Deciding on trying to find my home again, I fly through the skies in search of my lonely but active village. Jack and I have journeyed great distances though, so I don't know how long it will be until I find it. But I promise to keep looking.

Each village I fly over I inspect carefully, looking for the familiar small house or my sister's short brown hair.

While flying over a larger civilization, I spot someone on the roof of the tallest building. Soaring over, I land next to them and realize it's Peter.

"Hey Jack!" he says happily. "I was wondering when we'd meet again."

I take a seat next to him. "How's it going? I'm sorry about what happened at your house."

Peter shrugs. "I never stay somewhere for too long anyways."

I ask the question that'd been nagging me since it became a question. "Where were you going that night Jagalan and I saw you?"

Peter looks around the roof. "Where is Jagalan?" he asks, avoiding my previous comment.

I sigh. "The moon took her. For now. She'll be back."

"You don't seem so confident about that."

I shrug halfheartedly. "Well I just don't know. I trust the moon, but she wouldn't give me a time frame for how long Jack will be gone."

Peter claps a hand on my shoulder. "She'll be back."

"I hope you're right."

Peter stands and stretches. "C'mon, I wanna show you something. Follow me."

We fly up higher than I've ever been, and I follow Peter for a while. I don't want to ask where we're going in case he didn't want to tell me.

Peter's green hat with the feather keeps threatening to fall off his head, and every time it almost falls he catches it, but I always get psyched out thinking I would have to get it.

"Does your hat ever stay on?" I ask jokingly.

"Only at home," Peter says.

"Where's home?"

Peter doesn't answer again, just smiles and dives into a circle of pine trees. I copy.

When we land I can't believe it. He's taken me to the lake I'd fallen in, and my sister is there sitting beside it.

"Can she see us?" I ask.

Peter shakes his head. "Not you. Maybe me. Probably me."

She only seems to be a little bit taller and her hair a little bit longer.

Knowing she can't see me, I come out from behind the tree that was concealing us and lean against it.

"Do you want me to talk to her for you?" Peter asks.

I grin. "Would you?"

Peter nods enthusiastically. "I love kids!"

"Tell her that I'm okay, that I miss her, and that I love her."

Peter springs out from behind the tree and flies over to her. She gets really excited and shakes his hand when he offers it.

I hear her say, "You know Jack?!" and chuckle.

Peter listens to her and laughs, nodding. He ruffles her hair and flies back over to me as she runs inside.

"She said that she loves you too, and that she misses you a lot. She misses your snowball fights and ice skating lessons and fires and scary stories." Peter counts off of his fingers. "And your snowmen and your jokes and a lot of other things I can't remember."

I laugh. "I'm glad she feels that way. I wish I could talk to her."

Peter smiles sympathetically. "Let her know you care somehow. Maybe you'll find a way someday." He starts to take off in the sky again, most likely towards home (wherever that is). He shouts one last thing at me. "Don't forget that the greatest power is the power of belief!"

I do. Later that night I write that I love her on her frosted window and knock on it to wake her up. She smiles so big, I'm afraid her eyes will pop out.

Walking away from that house was the second hardest thing I've ever gone away from.

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