The Thing

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Virgil's POV
I woke up early. Ew. On a Saturday. Ew. And the stupid singing competition thing is today. I might as well die. I really hope Roman backs out. This was a bad decision. I don't even know if he actually likes me. This will either be very embarrassing, the worst moment in my life, or maybe it will be good. Probably not the last thing. Maybe I should just lay here in bed all day.

"Vee you're not laying in bed all day! Get yo lazy ass up and come get a bowl of cereal!" Dammit Remy. Ugh ok. I crawled out of bed and wrapped my blanket around me. I went out to the kitchen and grabbed a box of queerios.

"Ok fuckers, Wil told me the thing starts at four so we have about seven hours. You guys practice, I'm going back to sleep."

"Screw you too Demetrius."

"No thanks I have a boyfriend." I sighed and walked back to my room. I need to get my shit together anyway. If I'm lucky I'll get the flu and wont be able to go. That's not going to happen. I should just start practicing. I have to do sincerely me with Remy and Dee and sing with Roman. I dont want to do either of that.

I sat down on my bed and closed my eyes. Maybe I can just take a nap and feel better about this later.

{time skip brought by *shoots gun at roof*}

"Virge! Virgil! Vee! Virgie! Virgil Vainoharhaisuus Vanta! Wake up!" Remy screamed while running into my room.

"I'm up! Calm down you fucking Heather Chandler wannabe."

"I found a song." He sat down and held out his headphones. I took them and he started to play the song he found.

"What's this from?"

"Steven Universe." I nodded and continued listening to the music. "Think he'll like it?"

"For a bitch that didn't like this idea at first you're really excited about this song. Adrenaline? Stress meds?"

"Pumpkin Spice Seasonal Depression, I live for it. And probably adrenaline." I nodded and handed him back the headphones. "You ready to sing with Roman? You look like a hot mess."

"Maybe? I don't know."

"Very convincing. Dont worry so much Vee, it's just the whole town watching you announce your love to your soulmate. And in front of his parents and probably father. No pressure, k?"

"Father is going to be there?!"

"Oh shit I forgot to tell you." If it wasn't such a pain to clean, I'd kill him right now. He got up and grabbed my guitar out of the closet. He started playing a bit before giving up. "I like white noise machines better."

Remus POV
I didn't wake Roman up today. I'm too busy choosing between the song that never ends or Dumb Ways To Die. This singing thing is gonna be fun. Apart from not being able to sing the cuss word song.

"Hey kiddo, you ready?"

"I'm trying to choose a song. What do you think?" I pressed play and let dad listen to both songs.

"The solos are going on before the group's so if you sing the song that doesn't end nobody else will be able to go."

" that never ends? THANKS DAD!" I got up and ran towards mine and Roman's room.

"REMUS THAT ISN'T WHAT I MEANT!" I laughed and fell back on my bed. Then Roman woke up and suprises, suprise, he started yelling at me for waking him up. Dad came in and told up to stop fighting. Dear Remus Kingsley, today is going to be a good day and here's why: I woke up Roman in an annoying way and I love it when I do that.

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