Left behind

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"I always forget to set my morning alarms; today was no exception. Except today, instead of missing the bus to my college campus, I missed the last escape pod to leave my dying Earth."

"Well shit."

I tiredly rub my eyes and do a double take to
make sure I wasn't dreaming.
"They really left me didn't they?" I mutter, as I watch the last chance I have of leaving this dreadful planet start to fly away from the city. I check my phone for any missed calls or texts.

7 missed calls from mum
19 texts from Ayra
3 missed calls from Ayra
6 texts from Cooper
12 missed calls from Cooper

Holy shit. I really should call them, I thought.
After breakfast.
I walked into the kitchen and took out a bowl. I went into the pantry and grabbed the unopened box of Frosted Flakes. I pour my cereal and milk and grab a spoon and start eating.
Now sure, I'm freaked out right now, and most people would begin to cry, but what's the point of crying. It won't get me on that pod.
Of course today was one of the days I forget to set my alarm. What's gonna happen to me now? What's left for me to do? I finish up my cereal and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I'm brushing my teeth, I get a text from my boyfriend, Eli.


Babe where are you?
Did you make it on the pod?

Like you'd care
You didn't even bother
to call me to
make sure I made
it on until after it left?

I grinned as I hit send. Me and Eli have been on and off since mid junior year. He was always jealous and overprotective, and sometimes I wonder if he even loves me anymore. When we went away to different colleges in different areas of New York, he became so jealous because he didn't like the idea of me hanging out with other guys. Like there would be any attractive guys at a photography school anyways.


Babe where are you?
Did you make it on the pod?

Like you'd care
You didn't even bother
to call me to
make sure I made
it on until after it left?

Come on don't be like that
Of course I care, I didn't have my phone till after I got on

I didn't make it on the pod

How could you
be so irresponsible
You had one thing to do

I left him on read and continued to enter the shower.
"Siri play Just Dance by Lady Gaga." I practically yelled from inside the shower.

Me and my best friend Regina grew up on that song. We played it at every gathering, party, sleepover, pretty much any time we could. It's our song.
Me and Regina go way back. We've known each other since the second grade. She asked me for a gummy at snack time, and the rest is history.
I should call her. I think to myself.
Make sure she's ok.
I step out of the shower and find her contact in my phone.

Now Calling: Gigi🧚🏻‍♀️


"Gigi! Did u make the escape pod?"

"Yeah I did. Where are you? I've been trying to find you in here but there's so many people."

I laugh.

"Um no. I didn't make it on."

"What?! Pheebs you're stuck there? What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know. I'll figure it out though."

"I'm pretty sure there's still a couple pods set to leave in the South East."

"Really? I thought the last one left today?"

"Nope! There's still a couple set to leave in a week down in Florida. You need to go!"

"Will I even make it in time?"

"Yes! It's only like a day long drive with stops and stuff, you'll just have to wait in Florida till they come pick people up."

"Oh my god, thank you Gigi."

"Don't thank me!"

"Listen I gotta go, I'll call you later ok?"

"Yeah. Bye!"

I hang up the phone.
Florida. I think.
That's a far drive, but I think I'll be able to make it by next Thursday.
She said a week.
As I'm thinking, I look to my left and see a family picture of me, my younger siblings Ayra and Cooper, and my mom.
Florida it is then.


Ahhh I did it. I really hope you guys enjoy. If you actually even read this, thank you very much. I will update chapter two soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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