Chapter 7: 3 Words

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"My reaction is that important?" You texted back.
You hear the ticking of the clock for like minutes already but never was it
altered by your cellphone's beep.
You just thought that maybe he's already asleep.

Nevertheless, it was a good night.

The enticing aroma of hotdogs and bacons pulled you out of bed, defeating your alarm clock set an hour later.
Sluggishly, you stomped down and sat on the dining chair waiting for you.
"Good morning, sweetie. You're up early huh." Your mom's sweet and kind gestures never failed to make your morning bright.
"Ma, do you have any plans today? Are we going out?" You giggled like a little girl excited to spend weekend with mommy.
"Forgive mommy, I have a seminar today. I'll be back at 8." She cooed.
"I understand." You replied pursing your lips.

So you're alone today.
Now you're in your room, reading school stuff as usual. Yeah, advance reading to avoid cramming, that's your thing.

From 7:30 to 10 am, you were running your eyes over the pages of your Physics book. Nerd. But unlike other students, it makes you happy... somehow. Well, you wanted to excel always, and that's how you make it come true.

Ever again, your phone beeped. Before, you'd never want to get your eyes off your book to pick it up. However, now that someone has already made your stomach churn dreamily like you've never felt before through his sweet enrapturing words, you're principle has been a bit bent.

Clubhouse near your place. 2pm. I'll be waiting. ;)

You picked up your casual clothes. It must look special. Faded blue jeans, long baby pink shirt, sneakers- yes, that's special for you. As easy as it was for you to grab these out of your closet since they're 'favorites', you also managed to obtain your mother's permission in just one 'please', proving the fact that she is soft-hearted especially when it comes to you.

Walking all alone to the clubhouse, Baekhyun's words kept you shaking your mind up and down, twisting it from left to right.
What is he going to tell me?
Why does he sound so serious?

It was your bestfriend jogging towards you.
"Oh Myeonnie! Why are you here?" You turned to him.
"On my way to the convenience store then I saw you. Where are you heading to anyway? Look at your get-up." He teased.
"Baekhyun. He's gonna tell me something." You answered prettily with slight battling of lashes. Silly.

"Ohhh" he reacted, rubbing his chin. "Can I ask you a favor?" He added.

You creased your brows. "Don't go."
"What?" This time you don't know what Suho's up to.

"Don't go to where Baekhyun's telling you to." He repeated, brushing his hair with anxiousness.

"There you are again being over protective, Myeonnie. You're so cute. Kindness appreciated but I'm going." You chuckled and resumed heading to the place.

A hand pulled you back. "(y/n)..."
"Suho, please let me decide for my own for now." You smiled and gently removed his hands on you. "See you when I see you."

You arrived at the venue 10 mins late, credits to the short talk you had with Suho. Looking around from side to side, you found no sign of Baekhyun. You stopped at the side of the pool and frowned.
Did he fool me? Was he just kidding?

"You're late." A voice emanated out of a deafening silence.

You looked behind and there he was, the cute guy who can effortlessly manage to be aesthetic too.
He looked at you from head to toe, carefully scrutinizing you.

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