I am so sorry

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Kara's pov

I see Lena's mind, trying to form the best sentences and I waited patiently for her to speak. I just want to leave and never see her again, but love is more powerful than me.

"I-I don't know why I did it...I don't know what got over me, but there is no excuse. I was miserable and depressed for some reason, so I went to a club and drank till I felt I could pass out. Then the next thing I knew, I was with someone else on the bed and I don't know why, but it felt good to take my head somewhere else. It became like a drug, I wanted more, do it more...And so I did it, I cheated to the most amazing person in the galaxy who doesn't deserve this. I did it multiple times behind your back. I don't deserve your forgiveness, I deserve nothing from you. Kara you deserve everything after what you've been going through your whole life, but please don't be emotionless, don't do it for me, but do it for your friends and family." She said that through real tears.

I sigh, processing the explanation she gave me and by her heartbeat she wasn't lying. "So you're telling me, you were emotionally not stable...And you didn't come to me for help. I was your girlfriend and I was always there for you. I would always be there for you! But no you bottled it all up and fucked other women or men as a distraction. I gave you everything of me, Lena. Everything and all you had to do was come to me, so I could help, comfort and protect you. This...This is even more heartbreaking. While I prepared the proposal to surprise you, you went to fuck other's behind my back!" I just couldn't anymore so I shouted. I saw how she broke down in front of me, and my heart softened.

"The most heartbreaking part is, its that I still love you." I gritted my teeth to hold back my tears, but I couldn't anymore.

I see her looking at me again and said: "I am so sorry...Kara."

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