Don't come to me.

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Kara's pov

My plan was actually giving her a month to come clean, but when I saw her...I just couldn't take it. I shattered the ring into pieces..I just wanted to, because I was so heartbroken.

"Shame on me for having a human heart." And I walked to the bedroom and packed my stuff. I used my superspeed so I can get out of this place. I need a small break, where should I go? I can go to my beach house, that I just bought recently.

I walked downstairs and saw Lena on the ground looking at the shattered ring. She then noticed me an looked up. I just saw her heart break, when she saw my packed bags.

"Kara, please don't go. Please let me make it up to you. You can sleep with anybody you wa-" She begged but that still didn't change my mind....I would never sleep with anybody else, because she's the one I want...wanted.

"What I hate so much right now is that I love you. And I don't want anybody else. All I want is you but your heart doesn't want me. I can't stay here, I just can't."

I started to cry a little and I seriously couldn't anymore. I walked to the garage door and loaded my Mercedes with my bags.

"Kara please stay! Where are you going?" Her sobs were so strong she had to choke.

I looked at her and started the car. "Don't come to me." Was the last I said and drove off.

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