~Chapter 2~

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"Have fun!" Percy yells at me and runs down the street.

"I definitely won't," I whisper under my breath as I enter the administer area place. Looking around I find what I'm looking for and walk up to the professional-looking lady sitting at the desk.

"Uhm, hello," I say, she doesn't notice me. "Helloooooo..." I say louder, irritation lacing my voice. She looks up at me and stops whatever the hell she was doing. Great, she better.

"Do you need something?" she snaps.

I stare at her, my eyes flashing, "No, I'm standing here because I want to say 'hello' repeatedly to annoy your ass."

She seems confused and replies "If you-"

"I'm here because this is my first day here and I was hoping you would be kind enough to help me settle in," I say cutting her off.

"Ohhhh, you must be Lilith. Yes, I knew you'd be coming today, follow me and I'll get you your schedule and timetable." I immediately dislike her because, no one, I repeat no one uses my full name.

"I suggest you write this down, your locker combination is 666," Ironic I think, of course I get the devil's number. She stares at me in confusion again, probably wondering why I'm not writing it down. Trust me random person, I'm not likely to forget this combo.

"Here's your schedule, if you have any problems come to me and there will be a girl coming down any time now to show you around. I hope you have a great time here Lilith!" she informs me, much too cheerfully for my taste.

"The name's Lilly," I say, a bit too harshly as I see her eyes flash with hurt. God how weak, she doesn't even know what pain and hurt is yet. "And um thanks for this, I suppose" I add, waving around the piece of paper she gave me. She gives me a huge smile and scurries off. I wonder how she managed to smile like that, and then reminded myself that not everyone has been through what I had, and that they deserve to be happy, unlike me...

"You must be Lilith!!!" someone yells from behind me. I jump and then slowly turn around. The source of the voice was a very pretty girl; she had a slim shape and pretty features which were framed with luscious blond locks. Her eyes were very big and very light, light blue specifically.

Overall she looked like someone who got everything they wanted in the world and knew it. She had an air of confidence around her which was immediately very annoying. My first instinct was to snap at her and tell her to stay away from me. Usually doing that works and keeps people out, however Sally's voice drifted through my conscious, and the very thought of doing what I was originally going to filled me with guilt. So I decided to try a different approach, no matter how much I didn't want to...

"Uhh yes, but call me Lilly," I say to her hesitantly.

"Okay, sorry. I'm Lucy and I'm going to show you around I hope you enjoy yourself, our school in a very prestigious place and-"

Oh god she talks to much and much too loudly. This is going to be a loooong day.


"RIIIIIIIIING!!!!" the bell blares signalling the end of the second last lesson. Just one more to go I thought and set off to navigate my way around the compound to get to my last class.

Sighing deeply, I walk in to find that I was one of the first people there, besides a dark-haired boy who sat, drawing I think, at the end. I slouched down on the seat next to him. His eyes flickered to me as I put my head on the table and sighed again, wishing to be dead right about now. I was annoyed at this kid who decided to sit here. Like why? Don't people like to be up front getting all the attention? I decide to stay like this, with my head down, to avoid any social interaction and the boy eventually got back to his drawing.

Seconds tick by as the class files in and the teacher drawls on and on about whatever the subject of this class is. Honestly, I'm too tired to pay attention. Every second that passed caused my head to hurt more and more because of the overlapping voices resonating around my brain. I realised that if I stayed here any longer I would explode or break... No, I tell myself, you can't afford to think like that.

Without warning, the guy next to me slips me a note, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up at him in confusion, and when his chocolate brown eyes meet mine, he grins and points to the paper. Lifting my head I blink at the paper, trying to comprehend the words... or pictures.

There's a sketch of a girl leaning over a lake trying to reach something and pull it out of the water. The detail of it was astounding. After staring at the sketch for a few minutes I saw that the something the girl was trying to reach was a Lily. I silently smack myself for not noticing this before and continued to stare at it in awe. The drawing reminded me of something, not me, something, but I couldn't tell what...

I sat there pondering over what it reminded me of, when it suddenly hits me.

Faster than I could look up, the temperature of the room drops and frost covers every inch of it. I heard someone scream and looked around. Everyone was either extremely shocked or genuinely terrified. My eyes slid to the boy who gave me the note. I saw panic and surprise clear as glass in his eyes. My heart started pounding and my head screamed for me to get out of there as fast as I could, but I couldn't. My feet refused to move as I witnessed the horror I had released.

Tearing myself free of my head I ran out of there, leaving the piece of paper to fall to the ground. Blinking back tears, I swore to myself I'd never to come back...


(A/N- proof read, there may be slight changes from the original one. Vote and comment)

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