Chapter 20 - Look Closer, You'll Know Better

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  Laughter echoed the group who had gathered around the computer, displaying photo compilation of them. They laughed at all of their faces, who took the ride. Ugly faces of them screaming their heads off. It is very controversial at how they made faces showing fear when their daily lives consist of getting thrown off the building, flying from one end to another, and fighting at great heights.

  "No, I am not getting on that and that's final."

  "Don't be boring, Banner. It's not bad."

  Bruce starts babbling in his scientific language on how is it not safe and the possibility of him turning green is going to kill everyone. They laugh at his excuse whereas Lia on the other hand rolls her eyes.

  "Bruce, calm down. You won't turn green. You'll turn green when you're angry, not when you're scared. Now, stop with the excuses. Let's get it on!"

  She locks her arm around Bruce's and drags him away. Since they bought express tickets, they did not have to wait half an hour in the queue. Even if they had to, people would have given way to Thor, Tony, and Steve because they are very well known for looks and body except for Tony, known for his looks and money. At the same time, Lia doesn't think of Clint and Bruce looking otherwise. She believes they all deserve the same attention but she can't blame the citizens for giving extra attention to Tony because of how extra he is.

  Loki sat by Lia, followed by Tony beside her. The rest positioned themselves at the back. She swore she could hear Bruce praying as the staff fixed the belt on him. She turns to Loki and she could see the fear planted on his face. She pulls herself to his ear and whispers, "The guy who flew around New York on Aliens is afraid?"

  She giggles as he rolls his eyes. She intertwines her hand with his, locking eyes. Assuring him that it will be alright.

  "Are you guys ready?" The staff shouted out.

  They cheered with excitement. Loki and Bruce tried to hide their fear but it is too visible to hide it away. The ride started off slow. Bruce regretting the decision he didn't make. Loki tightening the grip of his hand with Lia. Clint, Nat, and Steve had no issues. Tony was teasing Bruce from the front seat. Thor was confident or so he thought he was until the ride went down the tall slope.

  It went from zero to a hundred. None of them expected the ride to be fast and none expected a 360 turn. Bruce begged to get off but the ride went on for a second round. Who would've thought?

  Lia laughed uncontrollably as she popped in a pill in her mouth. Loki glared at her and rolled his eyes. She couldn't help but laugh. His grip on her hand was so tight along with both of his eyes tight shut.

  "So you think it's funny?"

  "Yes, I do think it's funny because I still can't understand how you're afraid of the rides when... well you know what I mean."

  He shook his head. Before they moved on, Lia made sure to purchase the photos as a memory. Lia quickly moved on to meet the characters. The Disney princesses and princes. The Villains. They even had people dressed up as The Avengers. Kids were excited to take photos with the "Avengers" but it changed when the real Avengers passed by. Not only the kids were excited but the adults were too. Everyone rushed towards them when someone had shouted, "It's the REAL Avengers."

  Tony loved fame. Everyone else was giving forced smiles because they disliked the crowd but that did not mean they disliked the citizens. They feel encouraged when there's more love than hate coming from the citizens. The people were taking photos with them. Lia and Loki stood aside because they didn't play a part in being the Avengers. Some even asked Loki for a photo because people kept mistaking him for Tom Hiddleston even when he's not.

A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz