Chapter 6 : Tony, I'm not ready to have a child

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Breakfast was over and I felt very satisfied with the food I ate. It was hands down, the best meal I've ever had in this whole two months. 3 months ago, I had some Japanese salmon and beef bento with additional sushi. All to myself because I thought I should have that meal alone. It was a nice meal. I didn't have to talk or entertain anyone. All I had to do was eat with my headphones blasting music.

"Another day, another session. Hello, Louis!" I greeted, skipping in.

"I heard about your first successful invention. Congratulations," he claps. "I also heard you sliced your own palm. Doesn't it hurt?"

"I did and of course it hurt but it was totally worth it. I didn't even know it could work," I said in a surprised tone.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean you didn't know it could work?"

"Well, I was very sure that today was the day I present the S.T.A.S.H to the Avengers but I ran out of time and didn't get the chance to test it out. So I prayed to god and tested it out. Regardless of it being safe or the opposite."

"You risked your palm for that?" He said with his eyes widened.

"You know what they say, in every task, there will always be a sacrifice and that's what I've been doing," I said.

"Wow, that's very thoughtful of you," He said sympathetically.

"I am very sure she is here for me."

Someone interrupted and there could only be one. We turned our heads to him and saw his usual face expression. The iconic feature.

"Aww, I guess someone missed me," I pouted.

Our session started. We had another talk, none related to the discussion we had in the morning. Out of random thoughts, I asked whether he had a skin care routine because I need everything that he uses. Or maybe a secret diet plan? Because those cheekbones are killing me.

"What? "

"Or is it inherited? Like from the Jotunheim culture? Does Laufey have cheekbones like you do? Oh my god. What if Angelina Jolie is related to you?"

"Lia! Look at him. He looks as clueless as a pirate wearing two eye patches," Louis said in an irritated manner.

"Oh my god. Would Fury look the same?"

"What are you both blabbering about?" Loki huffed.

"That's okay. I'll just ask Thor when he comes down here," I grinned. "Anyway, that's the end of this session. Since you see me almost everyday, I will be back in a few days. Preferably 7 days."

I winked. "Don't miss me too much."

I head for the door and waved at both of them before leaving.

Honestly speaking, I don't see Loki as a monster because of his cruel words. Although he has done plenty of stuff to New York, including the damage to my leg, I would say Loki is a bully. Even monsters deserve a second chance in life but if he uses the chance to do the same thing, then he doesn't deserve another. The Avengers are like that but if it's Loki, then it is difficult. They wouldn't want to risk the lives of the people. The people are at the top of their priorities. They would never let Loki out but only Loki, Thor(most probably) and I truly know that he has no control of his abilities. Another word, 'confiscated'.

Since that happened, he can do nothing much. I am trained with martial arts as well as weapons like handguns, rifle and daggers. Which I read, daggers are Loki's special weapon. If I plan to get him out of there, I should train more using daggers and find out the possible ways that he could stab me. I have to win or else, I will die. Like actually die.

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