Chapter 19 : What A Night

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  'Knock. Knock'

  Lia looked up from her laptop as the door slowly opened.

  "May I come in?"

  "You already opened the door anyway," she plainly said, turning back to her laptop.

  He dragged his foot on the wooden floor and sat on the edge of her bed. Thor and the others had left an hour ago. After they did, Lia cleaned the living room and went straight into her room. Loki attempted to talk to her but she left his sight before he even managed to let out a single word. Something clearly did not seem right and he sensed that it was related to him.

  "How can I help you?" she asked, looking up at him.

  "What happened when you were at S.H.I.E.L.D? You seemed a little different when you came back. I know how Thor is. So tell me what really happened."

  She furrowed her brows. She looked elsewhere except his eyes and eventually looked back down on her laptop.


  She let out a sigh and looked back up at him. "Whatever Thor said earlier was not an assuring answer. There are so many things to worry about. They didn't think of it as a normal crash. They're suspecting that it is a murder which means they will further look into it. I know someone is suspecting that I was the one who let you escape because I was the one who had excess into the room."

  She shifted the laptop and showed him. "I'm trying to find ways to make it completely look like it was a crash. I understand S.H.I.E.L.D has the number one security in the world but I've got to try. If I don't try, they will all be in trouble. You will get caught and I can't let that happen to you."

  Unknowingly, she had let out words that surprised Loki. She was working hard to not get them caught and let Loki get caught. But he couldn't understand why she would work so hard to not get him caught. All he knew was that he isn't a good person, to begin with. Why was she so committed to helping him?

  "Why?" he questioned. "Why are you helping me? Aren't you going to just let me get caught? Now that we're close to getting caught, you're trying to save me. I would've thought you would let me run off but no, you're saving me and putting yourself more at risk. Why are you doing this?"

  "And what? Let me waste our damn efforts? I've worked hard to let you escape from there because I have faith in you-"

  "Why do you have so much faith in me when everyone in the world doesn't?"

  "I don't know, Loki. I don't know. I can let you run off but I just can't seem to do it. I don't know why but I like it when you're here with me which I know is wrong because you're not viewed as a good guy but I see you as it is. But since you mention it, if you want to go, go. The door is open for you."

  Silence took over. Her eyes planted to the screen, her fingers not moving a single bit. She stared into the screen. The words she let out left her heart hurting. She hated this feeling. This unknown feeling that she's having was agitating. With Loki silent, it stressed her out more. The fear of him leaving the apartment was arising but at the same time, she was forcing herself to not feel because she gave him the consent to leave.

  She looked up at him, gritting on her teeth, "Did you not hear what I-"

  Loki cuts her off and smashed his lips against hers. Her entire body froze as his hand snaked his way up to her neck. He stops the kiss, whispering, "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me-"

  Lia pulled him in and answers by kissing him more. Gently placing her lips on his. He froze for a moment, and then softly kissing her. Their eyes shut as she pushed the laptop aside. His hand snaked his way back to her neck while she pulled herself closer. Her hands over his chest. Her sweet rosy scent lingered up his nose. The taste of her soft plump lips refused to let him go. While it has fulfilled his desire, pulling back was only going to leave him wanting more.

A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki FFWhere stories live. Discover now