Chapter 26 - Better Than Ever

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It's been another few days since Lia's discharge. She has been staying home, recovering on her own. Her legs have been weak and numb. It frustrates her how she was unable to walk on her own. She needed to use the railings for assistance. Raiden and Jean have been coming over often, bringing food over and creating conversations.

She was heartbroken. They couldn't leave her alone. Loki's room did not change a bit. His scent was still lingering in the air, trapped in the room. His clothes neatly arranged in the closet, just the way Loki left it. She has never once opened the door or even go near it. Maybe that's what Lia claimed to Jean when they had their heart to heart talk.

She was getting better. Moving on or maybe, that's what she thought. Every night, she'll constantly dream of him. It hurt her but it was definitely better than having constant nightmares of Leo suffocating her to death. There were less tears every night but it relieved her to know that she didn't feel fear.

   She shot up from her bed, with the urge to puke. She grabbed her trash can placed on the ground beside her and poured out whatever that was left in her stomach. She groaned. She wiped her mouth and placed the can down. She wiped her tears away and sighed.

  "God, why am I throwing up these days? My legs aren't getting better and my body seemed to be rejecting some shit. Am I dying?"

  I hope I'm not.

  She couldn't help but to think of what Utgard-Loki have done to her before she passed out. Before she passed out from the pain, there was another immense pain that attacked her. It was excruciating. Even worse than what she has felt before.

  She shivered at the thought of the pain and got up from her bed. She pulled herself up and slowly made her way to the bathroom. She stepped in the bathtub and switched on the water. She sat in the bathtub and began bathing.

  After she was done and dressed, she sat on the sofa in her living room. She switched on her tv and scrolled through her phone. She searched for food to eat and finally, decided on a Chinese takeout. Since Raiden and Jean have already informed her in advance that they couldn't make it. Jean had her scheduled hair appointments with customers and Raiden had training at S.H.I.E.L.D.

  Tony felt guilty and offered him a job at the headquarters for the engineering side. Raiden felt more than fortunate to have been offered a job at S.H.I.E.L.D. It was definitely an honour for him.

  Lia still does have her job, although her punishment was that she had been suspended. Tony urged Lia to stay at the Avenger's Tower but Lia was still traumatised by the memories of Tony choking her, even though she knew it wasn't him.

  Delivery took quite a while. An hour or more due to the bad traffic and high order demand. For what seemed like forever, her doorbell rang.

  "Finally!" She groaned.

  She stood up and made her way to the door. She gave him a tip and thanked him for the food. She walked back to her coffee table and began opening up her food. She stood up once more and head towards the kitchen to grab a glass.

  She moved out to the living room when she realised something odd. She stopped in her tracks and diverted her eyes to the clock on the wall. She cleared her throat and called for AL who's sitting in her ear.


  "Good Morning, Lia. How can I help you?"

  "What time did I put you on?"

  "Nine twenty three."

  Lia gasped, "It's ten thirty now."

  Her eyes shifted to her feet.

A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki FFWhere stories live. Discover now