Chapter 7 : Whoosh

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Loki's pov

It has been six days and things here have not changed. The only thing changed was my patient tolerance. That girl has been gone for six days and I wonder if her words are actually true.

From the moment she left the room, none of them bothered to speak to me. Either because they were requested to not speak to me or they felt as if it was a waste of time. I admit, it is a waste of time. Moreover, they hate me.

For the six days, I spent time on the cushion with Louis bothering me. Assuming that my acts were because I missed Lia's presence. I absolutely object. Why would I miss her? She is just another type of that Stark that loves mocking me. 

How long is she going to take? I am pretty sure the rest of the Avengers could come up with a plan within a second. Maybe that's why she's not in the Avengers.

Lia's Pov

"Iconic," I laughed while watching 'Keeping up the Kardashian's'

Jean sitting down beside me, stuffing her face with pizza. The coffee table was in a great mess. Actually, the whole apartment is in a mess. We were planning for days. We could have finished on the first day but nothing was going in our heads. So procrastination happened. I was lucky that I told them I'll be gone for seven days.

Raiden burst in through the door. We would usually get shocked by it but perhaps, we are already used to it.

"Hey Raiden," Jean waved, without facing him.

"The car's ready."

We turned around and got up from our seat. We followed Raiden out and down to the basement. Once we reached the rented vehicle, the plate numbers were gone.

"Great. Check the fuels."

We checked everything that was needed to be and everything was complete. What was left was to wait until tomorrow.

Am I prepared for this? No. I am not. Physically am but mentally not. Doing this would mean hurting Tony. Hurting the people I love. Doing this would also mean their trust on me will lessen but if I prove that Loki's isn't a bad person, maybe things will be alright. Well, I hope things will be alright. I won't only save the world but maybe save a family. Thor wouldn't have to live with a brother that goes with the title, "Criminal". Frigga would be happy to live with both her sons. Adoptive or not.

I really pray that Loki would change. Change for the better. He just needs the right influences. Just like any human being. Although he is a demigod.

We ended our day by cleaning up the house while playing music. You can even include Westlife and Backstreet Boys in our playlist. Not to forget, the legendary "Michael Jackson".

Just imagine Raiden singing, "Beat it" using the mop with a yellow kitchen glove on his left hand. It was a hilarious sight. Then, comes Jean singing Backstreet Boys with Raiden being her number one fan. Lowkey being her number one fan. I just wonder when is he going to confess.

I have not actually gotten the chance to talk to Jean about who her crush was. I hope it is Raiden because he has stayed for years. I have not been a good wingman. I should ask Clint but just because his hero name is Hawkeye, does not mean he's a good wingman. Honestly, I am not asking any of them for advises. They only know how to save the world. 

"Let's watch a movie tonight. At the mall," Raiden suggested.

"We've been doing that for the past six days. Why not we go to the Arcade? Have some fun at the mall?" I asked with a mischievous grin on my face.

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