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that's exactly how I feel , I feel like I abused a child , omg I wish I listened to hyungs words , and now that I look at the buirses on his face guilt start eating me alive.

honestly I've never heard of little space and littles before , am gonna do some researches later .

"i feel horrible " i heard changbin saying

"ask me about that " hyunjin said messing his hair

"as i said you need to make it up for them and you will"

"yes hyung " we all say

I see han apoarching me while holding something behind his back smiling shyly , I smiled

"come here hannie" I said and he really looked terrified I feel awful "i wont hurt you I promise" I said giving him a big smile , he nodded and ran to me , I see that he took a peice of paper from behind his back and shove it to me .

"fow y-you " he said blushing AWWWW SO CUUUTE , I looked at the drawing and smiled at him "wow such a talented boy" I said making him giggle , its the cutest thing I've ever heard imma die .

I patted the place next to me , and he shyly sat there he must be really shy I thought "am gonna keep it and put it in a place where I can see it everyday " i said patting his head , he flinched at first but relaxed I'll make sure he trust me I won't hurt him again .

"hannie hannie come we gonna watch advantuwe time" the innie kid said grapping han's hand and dragging him to the tv

eventually they fall a sleep while watching tv and it was getting late , i wanted to wake han but I couldn't he looked so peacful and cute and I just can't .

"you can carry him hes so light actually " i heard chan hyung saying , he carried his roommate to his bed and tucked him in , it's really like you're taking care of a child , a big child .

I lefted han up wow hyung was right he's so light , I said goodbyes to my freinds and left to our room , thank god the alley was really empty and no one was there .

I placed han on his bed carefully I don't wanna wake him up , once I had sure that he's tucked and warm I went to my bed and opened my lap top , okay let's do some researches

a few hours later~

I cant believe I spent the whole night searching about little space hopefully it'll help me with Han I wanna make it up for him , he's so innocent .

I heard a few sounds and turned to see han walking to the bathroom

" I-I am sorry I d-didn't mean to d-disturb you p-please don't h-hit me" he said shaking making me sigh

"han" I said softly

"y-yes hyung?"

"come here" I said and he quickly did so , am sure that he was afraid

"am so sorry okay ?for everything , I promise I won't hurt you again , and I want you to be comfortable with me , cuz we're roommates ,  and you can BE little whenever you want I'll take care of you okay?"

"y-you're not disgusted? y-you don't think a-am weird?" he said and I see that his eyes became teary

"of course not , I would never so please forgive me and be comfortable okay?" I said gently , he nodded

"t-thank you hyung" he said whipping his tears " dont thank me and for a start how about we take out your little space thing yeah? I'll help you set them" I say and I see his eyes lit up , he nodded and ran to his bed I like the way that his hair pounce when he run its adorable

he pull a big bag from under the bed and open it , I walk to him and see  that its full of stuffies and toys also cute outfits pacies and a sippy cup .

he started taking the stuffies out , telling me their names , the last one was a squirrel stuffie it looked like him " this Is mr fluffy wazzie , my favorite " he whispered and told me not to tell the others because he don't want them to be sad this is so cute

I can get used to it

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