• C H A P T E R 14 •

15K 707 101

After debating a lot with yourself and you telling your conscience to man up a bit, after a good 5 minutes, You stood in front of a mansion or a castle. It was huge, much bigger than Kim's house.

"Y/n, stay close to me or Taehyung. Got that?" Jungkook whispered as you nodded.

As you walked inside the mansion, you saw people, obviously. Many people you know and many people you didn't have any clue about. Walking inside, you felt glances upon you, which you were sure directed my probable girls hungry for this man or some business who wanted to be friends for their own benefits.

You looked around, people hanging out around the drinking section, while some were already filling up their plates. Your eyes even fell on a corner where you saw a couple sucking each other faces off. Gross

But you even noticed how Jungkook's behavior changed as soon as he entered the hall. You wondered what was bothering him

"Let's meet Mr. Choi first", Namjoon said as he walked towards a man in his 50's, he was of average height, had a potbelly. He wore a fine expensive suit.

"Finally, my handsome boys are here",  the old man greeted as you looked as Namjoon shook hands with him. "It's good to see you all together", he smiled, but you doubted if it was even real. You heard a light scoff beside you and you knew it was definitely Jungkook. You were sure something was there that made him uneasy

"Won't you introduce this pretty lady with you?", You straighten your back as his attention zeroed on you. "I'm sure you are his girlfriend."

"No-", you proceeded to deny his remark but, "yes, she's my girlfriend y/n". Jungkook cut you off, as you felt his hand wrap around your waist as he flashed you a smile. You were sure caught off guard there but you didn't word out. Unknowingly, it made you feel warm and protected.

"I see, congratulations both of you. Enjoy the party". And with that, the old man walked off as he greeted his other guests

"Finally he's gone", Jimin answered as he loosened up his shoulders

"He seems nice. Why are you saying that?"

"Y/n, he might be nice but trust me he's not. That's why I'm saying this again, stay with us."

You simply nodded to him. You trusted these boys. They knew that man for years whereas you don't. You thought it to be a good idea to stay close to them. Why take unnecessary risks?

"Let's get some drinks. I need to fill up my energy", Hoseok said as he dragged Jin with him. And the rest followed


"You remember when we first attended a party like this?" Taehyung asked as he took a sip of his red wine.

"Yeah. How can I forget that?" Yoongi scoffed. 

"What happened?" You implied

"Jimin and Taehyung got so drunk that they created a scene by starting to dance in the middle of the hall. Yoongi hyung had to go take these two home"

"And not to mention how embarrassed I was. And this hyung," yoongi pointed at Jin, "refused to help me saying he didn't know us then"

You burst out laughing. They were really something.

"What about, Namjoon and Hoseok Oppa?"

"I had told him to drive as I was too lazy.  But our car broke down in the way. And Jungkook was as always busy with his girlfriend", Hoseok said

Jungkook had a girlfriend? It was pretty shocking to you that he had a girlfriend seeing how distant he stayed from girls, during all these months of you working for him. But deep down you were sure he ought to have an ex or girlfriend seeing how his looks drive every girl crazy.

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