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You didn't know but Jungkook was slowly changing. The two, Jhope and Jimin could see how you affected him. Over the time had passed, the trio Jimin, Jhope, and you had become best friends, for them you were their little sister, which they cherished, and for you, they were the blessed brothers you never had

And Jungkook, though he had changed, he didn't show any signs of being soft in the public. He didn't any chance to the others to think he had turned soft, because of one reason, to make the people fear or afraid of him. He didn't want people to find a weakness in him.

It was lunchtime, and the four were sitting at their usual table.

"Hmm so Y/n, do you have plans this week?" Jimin asked munching on his food

"Hyung, at least finish your food",  Jungkook commented, feeling slightly disgusted seeing some crumbles dropping off his mouth. Jimin shortly sent a glare to the latter, you slightly chuckled at that.

Quickly finishing his food, he asked the same question again.

"I don't have any plans but why tho?"

"We're going on a vacation and you're tucking in with us," Hoseok said hyped up.

"And what about the company?"

"Y/n, don't you know that every 6 months there is a 2 week off for all the people working here?"

"Hoseok Hyung, how can she know? It's only been 2 and a half months since she joined."

Two and a half months passed quickly for you. It's felt that you had joined the company only 3 days ago. Time sure passes by quickly. But your thoughts were broken from something or rather someone.

"Hey, guys! Can I sit with you all?"

You looked up to see Nana, standing there with her tight pencil skirt, unbuttoned shirt, and with a not so less makeup

"First of all, it's Mr. Jeon, Mr. Jung, and Mr. Park to you. And no, employees aren't allowed to sit with us now or shortly" Jungkook spoke up. Cold tune coming back

"But Miss Y/n is also an employee so why does she get to sit here?"

"And third and the most important thing," Jimin continued, "You're an employee as sure Y/n is also, but the thing is that she is our sister first then an employee, so you better keep that in mind. You're dismissed"

Nana out of embarrassment walked back to where she had come.

"I don't know why she always keeps bothering us," Hoseok said as took a bit from his sandwich.

"So anyway, Y/n so you're coming with us?"

"Yup sure, where are you guys going?"
"We are going to Busan, our home town and to meet our other guys," Jimin said

"You have more friends?" You asked slightly feeling uncomfortable upon meeting new people

"Yes. We are a total of 7 guys. Me, Jimin, and Hoseok Hyung. The others are Yoongi, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin Hyung. They are in Busan and running their own companies there. We'll catch a flight to Busan and will be staying with them"

You looked at Jungkook as he spoke. Not only you but the other two boys also stare at Jungkook.

"What?" He asked sensing the yes 3 pair of eyes at him

"Woah Jungkook, we heard you talk this long after a long time" Hoseok spoke up

"Exactly" you spoke out only to shove your drink in your mouth

"-cough- so it's decided. We'll be going to Busan and Y/n is coming with us. Jungkookie will send you the further details"

You slightly chocked at the nickname that Jimin used. You covered up your laugh with few coughs. On the other hand, Hoseok was giggling. And not to mention Jungkook was glaring at the older

Lunchtime was soon over. You felt relieved as the tension ended. Hoseok and Jimin proceeded to their work as Jungkook and you went to the cabin to fill up the work that they will be missing for the 2 weeks.



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