• C H A P T E R 13 • ᵖᵃʳᵗ ²

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I winched, at the high-pitched sound of the girl who came running towards you rather than to the boy beside me. I watched as the heavy caked girl jumped on Jungkook, and I could say this girl had started to annoy me but it was chocked down by my laugh as soon as I  saw how Jungkook's face morphed into a disgusted one.

"Get off me", and he pushed her away, took a few steps back, creating a few meters distance between them

"Oppa, don't you remember me?", here comes her annoying voice

"I don't and I don't care"

"How can you do this to me Oppa? Is it because of this girl?", I was rather enjoying the drama but that soon fell off as she pointed at me. Ok. What?

"Yaah, why are you dragging me into this?", Forget the drama, I was pissed now

"Because of you, he has forgotten me"

"Do I look like I care?", I raised my eyebrows, clearly mocking her.


"You two!"

I jumped at my spot, my heart skipping a heavy beat at the new voice that appeared out of nowhere in the corridor. I turned to see Jin.

"Ms. Naeum, what are you doing here? You should do your work which you get paid for. Otherwise, I can fire you"

Beside Jin was Namjoon and behind them were Jimin and Hoseok. Okay, that's why I didn't see them in the house today

I looked at the girl named Naeum scoff at Jin's words before walking away as I  judged her audacity to indicate towards Jungkook to meet her later, even after getting threatened to get fired.

"Gosh, she is a pain in the ass", and Jungkook received a smack from Jin for not minding his language

"Hyung you should have told me that she worked here. Why did you even hire her"

"And what would I do if her father is a good friend of my father?"

"Yaah, are we gonna finish our talk here only?", Taehyung asked


"How about this?", Taehyung asked as he held a dress

After hanging out in Jin's and Namjoon's office doing nothing but cracking jokes, eating here and there and Jungkook whining as he wanted to get out of here and take a bath as that girl hugged him, I and Jungkook along with Taehyung were finally at Taehyung's department, who was showing me dozens of dresses to put it on

"Jungkook, how is this?"

"Why are you asking him?"

"Coz you gave been ignoring every dress, I showed"

Taehyung held up a red long dress which had an off-shoulder and a slit by the side.

"It's good", I looked at the boy, not believing him. How could he say that? Why would he even answer when he was quiet the whole time?

"Then that's it", Taehyung forcefully shoved me inside a trial room and from distance, I heard Taehyung telling Jungkook to put on the tuxedo he chose for him. I looked at the trial room which I came to know it was not. It was a big room with mirrors attached from the ceiling to the floor, a huge vanity table, and three girls more like employees standing, staring at me?

"Umm..", I trailed off, clearing not having a single clue what's happening right now. Wasn't I suppose to put on the dress, show Taehyung come back and put my clothes back on and leave?

THE CEO || JJK ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora