Chapter 24- the truth comes out

Start from the beginning

Fernando: "We're back!"

Kimmy: "Yay you're back!" *She kisses him*

Fernando: "Yes I'm back!" *He kisses her*

DJ: "So What y'all buy?"

Jackson: *Yawns* "Nothing"

Val: "Ramona and I went to this KPop store and bought albums, stickers and Lightsticks!"

DJ: "Aww that's sweet"

Fernando: "All of that was near $200!!"

DJ and Kimmy's eyes widen and say "WHAT!!?"

Fernando: "Exactly, I gave Ramona $50 and she used it all"

DJ: "Wow!"

Fernando: "And Val used her debit card and spent $120"

DJ: "That's crazy"

Val: "Maybe But $120 is like 12 cents in my eyes"

DJ: "Well, your family is rich"

Val: "True"

DJ: "Well anyways, we're gonna go to the beach later on today!"

Ramona: "Ooh awesome!"

Val: "Ooh ima tan"

Ramona: "I could use one too"

Jackson: *Yawns* "Why am I getting sleepy?"

Fernando: "The meds have that side effect"

DJ: "Meds? What meds?"

Fernando: "Jackson's head was hurting so after we ate, I gave him pain meds"

DJ: "Ooh Okay. What kind of meds were they?"

Fernando: "Uhh... some that I bought here."

Kimmy: *Went to Steph and Jimmy's room, both of them were asleep but the baby was awake. So she went and got the baby* " is awake"

DJ: "Aww hi baby, good morning. You wanna eat?"

Kimmy: "I think there's some baby food in Steph's bag"

DJ: *Opens Steph's bag and sees something she never thought her little sister would have. She takes it and puts in her pocket, then grabs baby food* "Mmm smash peaches" *She sits down and feeds the baby*

The baby eats happily

Kimmy: "Aww, she's so cute"

DJ: "Kimmy"

Kimmy: *Walks towards DJ* "Yeah Deej?"

DJ: "Look What I found" *She takes out the bag of weed*

Kimmy: *her eyes widen* "Donna Jo Fuller!! You do that??"

DJ: "Of course NOT!! I found it in Steph's bag!!"

Kimmy: "What?? Well there no surprise there tbh."

DJ: "Wait, you knew?"

Kimmy: "No, but it's not a surprise. She'd do something like that"

DJ: "Don't Tell her I took it out, I'm throwing it away. I don't want my sister to get into trouble."

Kimmy: "Don't worry friend, I won't tell her. Let me throw it away" *She takes the bag, opens a window and throws it out*

Person: "Ow! What the??" *Picks up the bag and looks up*

Kimmy: *Closes the window quickly*

DJ: "Kimmy! Why would you throw it out the window?"

Kimmy: "You said you were gonna 'throw it away'"

DJ: "Yes, But in the trash, not out the window"

Kimmy: "Oh who cares, it's gone now"

DJ: "Oh Kimmy"

Val, Ramona, Jackson and Max were in their room. Jackson fell into a deep sleep.

Max: "Um Ramona, Val and I want to speak with you about something important."

Ramona: *Gets nervous* "About what?"

Val: "We noticed that you have been glancing over at Jackson a lot lately."

Max: "And you always wanting to be beside him."

Val: "And biting your lip...."

Ramona: *Blushes*

Val and Max look at each other and then looks back at Ramona

Val: "We wanted to ask, and please be honest. And don't be mad.... but, do you like him?"

Ramona: "What do you mean?" *She gulps*

Val: "Do you have a crush on Jackson? We won't tell him anything, we promise"

Ramona: *Takes a minute to respond and sighs* "Yes, I do. But he probably doesn't like me, I bet he still has feelings for Rocki. That's why I don't express my feelings towards him because I'm afraid he still likes her..." *She looks down*

Val: *Sits beside her and hugs her* "It's okay girl, we got your back. And we don't know, maybe he likes you too. Only way to know is, express your feelings"

Max: "Yeah"

Ramona: "I've been wanting to for a long time now. I guess it's time to open up, but not now. He's hungover and may not remember, I'll tell him tomorrow."

Val: "And we'll be there to help you."

Max: "I can't believe you like my brother, but love is love"

DJ: *Opens the door* "y'all kids okay?"

Ramona: "Yeah were fine, Jackson fell asleep*

DJ: "Oh okay, we'll be out here if y'all need us"

Kids: "Okay!"

DJ closes the door.

Ramona: "Just to let y'all know, I may chicken out when I tell him..."

Val: "Don't worry, it'll be okay"

Ramona hugs her and Val hugs back, Max joins the group hug too.

Ramona: "Thanks!" *She smiles*

Val: "No problem" *She also smiles*

Max: "It's our pleasure to help" *He smiles*

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