Don't Say It

91 17 10

"You deserve so much better,
I mean I played you, I used you, I was the pacesetter—
Of the feelings you got for me but in the end I gave you my pain,
Don't make things harder, please! Don't struggle again—
Lest I loose it, least I cry again.
It's for the greater good, you know I wouldn't do this If I had a choice—
But even if I cried till I lost my crooked voice,
It can never happen between us–
So please, don't be a wuss and make a fuss,
Just, live!" She said.

"Don't say it,
Don't say it,
Don't say it", I kept repeating.

Dropping my phone,
I punched the walls till I saw red—
"Yeah" I thought! Once again finally alone,
Wonder If you've ever felt that way.

Have you ever felt alive and dead?
Like the end of the alphabet, this was the end, my 'zed'.

We said our goodbyes and as I clenched my teeth with grit,
I kept repeating it in my mind, "Don't say it, Don't say it..." But she already had.

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