× 4am thoughts ×

27 8 3

"Sometimes it's not being left behind that hurts but the memories that lurk afterward..."
                      — frankiethepoet

Upon kissing sleep goodbye I sat up in my bed
Watching the ceiling come into view and thoughts breathe in my head,
Checked my heart to see if it worked and thanked God I wasn't dead,
Then thought about the new day, plans and goals and how I was going to tread.

Time chimed four am and the sun was still asleep,
The crickets and creeps sang a new hit song so nice it almost sent me to sleep,
I thought about the journey so far and how it had been smooth and steep
And of what I had sown in the previous months hoping to gain and reap.

It may be worth it that she had gladly walked away
With my heart in her hands crushed like powdery clay
But when the purple little flowers dance in the wind's warm kiss,
I'm reminded of a time of no abyss, the times where there was bliss.

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