At Lunch

We went outsite to our groups spot. Gajeel and Jellal went to buy pizza on their class off. Outside, Erza set up blankets on the grass and brought desserts. Natsu helped me me sit down on the blankets. Everyone came and the guys brought pizza. We started eating and talking about how our lifes been. Everyone seemed happy now they all had a relationship going.
"I want to make a toast, well with apple juice because we are on school grounds....I was to toast for Lucy so that she does well in her surgery today...cause she means alot in our lives am I right?" Mira said grabbing her red cup in the air.
"Aye" They all said in unison raising their red cups in the air. I smiled at then raised my cup. We all cheered and then everyone started having individual talks. Natsu told me he was going to go talk to gray about something and I nodded. A couple minutes later Levy came up to me.
"Hey Lu, why are you such a loner" Levy came and sat next to me..
"A-Are you drinking alcohol?" I whispered.. She smiled and I rolled my eyes this girl have been wild since I think when she was Gajeel official girlfriend.
"So how is this surgery is it risky?" She asked and I thought about it.
"Yeah, honestly I could die by one small move even the tiniest little move But Its my only hope" I softly said. I started moving my cup playing with the drink inside. She looked at me and then looked at the grass.
"Does Natsu know?" She asked.
I looked Natsu's way. He was playing with gray and he looked so happy. He looked our way and waved at me with his toothy smile. I smiled back.
"I haven't told that it's really dangerous and death could be the result he knows that it's risky but I just can't tell him that I could you know die.." I said then took a deep breath. Levy side hugged me.
"Your strong, you'll get trough this" Levy said and smiled. Everyone looked happy that day. They were full of joy. Everyone had their partners.. They were no problems at all.

After School

Natsu got his car and I started saying goodbye to my friends. They all hugged me and wished me luck. Natsu pushed me to the car and carried me in. He put my wheelchair in the back and he waved at them and got in. Natsu then drove off.
"We still have about an hour left, Any Ideas to go?" Natsu asked, I didn't know actually.
"Were ever you want is fine with me" I said and smiled at him. He smiled back and he started the car. We then went to the bakery. Natsu got out and went to buy cake and some sweets. He then parked near the ocean. We started eating while we stared at the ocean water.
"When you get better I'll bring you here that's a promise" He said and grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled at him. After being there for a while and talking about the surgery and us. We looked at the clock and it was almost time. We drove over and he got me out. He pushed my wheelchair to the entrance. The doctors were already there waiting for me.

Natsu's POV

When we got in, the doctors were there waiting for us.
"We will take her from here on, You can wait in the waiting room" a doctor said and got her wheelchair. I nodded and they were about to take her.
"Wait, Natsu Have this" I heard Lucy say. She handed me an envelope.
"Read It If something bad happens" she said and then told the doctors to proceed. I couldn't believe what she told me, She just couldn't leave like this, After giving me this. I ran towards her.
"What do you mean? Lucy!" I screamed the doctors got me and she looked my way and smiled.
"Dont worry about me, Natsu" Lucy said and they started pushing her farther away.. I saw her point her finger up, The way I thought her, the way Gramps though me.
"We promise you to do everything we can know please wait outside sir" one of the doctors said and I nodded.
I sat down looking on the envelope that was sealed up in my hands.

Lucy's POV

The doctors then helped me get on the bed. I changed my clothes and got ready for the surgery. They then put me on were I was going to have the surgery in.
"We will proceed with the surgery"
A doctor said and came up to me.
"I want you to relax" I nodded. They then put an oxygen mask? I wasn't sure I never had a surgery.
"Breath in, I will start counting down and you just breath in and out" I slowly nodded, I started to think about Natsu in each breath.
I gave him that envelope because I just couldn't tell him this was dangerous.
What if he hates me for that?
I love him a lot but I couldn't tell him goodbye In person...
I wanted to scream to him That I love him no matter what
But I couldn't face him... He was just to perfect...
I was willing to do this to be with him..
To stay with him forever...
If something is to happen I'll leave him but I'll take care of him from heaven. The card will explain everything I would of said...
If this goes well The future will await me...
I smiled and my eyes slowly started closing... I felt unconscious before I knew it.

His Soft Side (NALU)(discontinued 🥲)Where stories live. Discover now