Gone To Soon...

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The last few days Regina had noticed a lot of things where starting to change within her own body things she had forgotten about that where happening to she tried to forget about her cancer how even though she had taken the potion that it was stil there that it was killing her more each second that the day went by one moment she was happy with her new found family,finding Lillith,just being with Robin and the boys now she's reminded of the future she isn't going to get to have with her family or the future that could've had. Regina went on with the rest of her day like nothing was happening she had lunch with lilly,Henry and Roland then met up with Robin later on everything was perfect except for that thought in the back of her head that she was dying, that the spell was wearing off after all not everything last forever. 

Later that night it was just Robin and her sitting on the couch talking and sipping on red wine.  "Robin,I need to talk to you about something.." She cut him off when he was telling her something he immiadtely looked up at her ever so quiet. "i'm listening." He placed his wine glass on the coffee table as he held onto her hand. 'the potion is wearing off,I an feel it..." She looked away hiding her tears as he was nether knowing what to say to each other,Yet both knowing what was ahead. "It can't be not now that we finally have our family together,Not now that we are finally happy together." Robin eventually spoke after a few minutes of pure silence filled the room. "It just means that we have to enjoy the love we have as much as we can with what we both know. I don't want the kids to know it'll be hard not telling them but it's the best,I don't want them to think that because I am dying it's got to be all sadness and depression I just want them and Us to be able to enjoy the time we have left as a family together,to not dwell in the coming death of there mother." WIth her saying that nether knew all three of their children had heard every single word. 

Lilly and Henry understood what was happening but Roland he was only 5 years old he was a little harder for him to understand,The three of them snuck back up stairs to there bedrooms hoping there parents didn't hear them on the steps tomorrow they would go on with there day just like there mother wanted. 

"Lets go to bed." Robin stood up extending his hand for Regina to take,she diid,They walked hand in hand upstairs to there bedroom where they just talked and cuddled until they both noticed the morning sunrise shine through the bedroom window. "The only thing I hate about this mansion." Regina squinted her eyes at the sight of the blinding sunshine. "We better get out kids ready for the day." She giggled as she got out of bed. "I have know doubt that they're all still fast asleep." He said which got him a smirk from Regina,"They're to much like there father well Henry is to much like Emma in that part." She strentched then proceeded to walk out in the hallway to each of the childrens bedrooms. 

One by one the woke up and made there way down stairs to the kitchen where Regina was making them choclarte chip pancakes. Oh,how they loved her cooking. "Good morning darlings." Regina smiled as she placed two pancakes on each of there plates on the bench. All three of them walked over to her giving her the biggest hug she had ever been given from that she knew something was wrong,"Well this is unexpected..Wait,What did you do? I don't usually get hugs this big unless one of you did something?" She curiously asked them as she placed the pan over on the sink before watching them sit down to started eating tthere breakfast. "So noone wants to inform me what is going on?" Regina raised and eyebrow when she noticed the look on Henrys face. "I know for a fact Henry can't lie to me and your expression is giving you away my prince." Henry sighed as he looked up at his mother with tears streaming down his face,"I can't!" He stormed upstairs,Regina looked at Robin who nodded to say 'Go,I got it down here' She went after Henry upstairs,She knocked a few times know answer she decided to poofed into his room as soon as she was in his room she saw her son cuddled up in a ball in front of the window,crying, it wasn't like Henry to not talk to her about what was bugging him espesically when it had to do with him being upset. 

Regina walked over to Henry she took a seat beside him. "Why didn't you want to tell us? Why where you going to lie about the cancer? I mean it still being there that it's killing you." Regina knew what this was all about now they must of heard her and Robin talking last night. "I didn't want the last moments in my life to be sad I want them to be full of love and joy...especially happiness. That's all I have ever wanted was happiness now that I have It I don't want to lose it just because the potion is wearing off or that I'm dying,Henry. Can't it just be happiness with the ones I love more then anything in this world?" She explained. "Henry,I've found my happy ending I don't need to be miserable or unhappy anymore not when I have You,Lilly,Roland and Robin you're all my happiness..my happy ending..." She kissed his forhead. "My true loves." She hugged him he hugged her back they just stayed like that for the next ten minutes. They're her happy ending,Her True Loves,They're all she needed,Her having cancer didn't occure to her knowing that she was finally with the ones that loved her. 

After deciding not to send the kids to school they stayed home,watched movies each one choosing a movie,Roland always chose Disney movies. "Of course!" Henry mouthed with a slight chuckle under his breathe. as the day went on they ate junk food,drank soft drink,laughed and cried but most of all Loved..

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