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"Mom?" The young girls voice echoed over and over in her head as if she knew that voice as if it was known to her,but how?. Hook ran to Regina,Charming Ran to Mary they where desperately trying to find out who was shot.

Regina just laid there in shock it wasn't her that was bleeding she looked over at Snow she was breathless and pale as she laid there looking at Regina who had only just noticed they where holding hands as she was crawling over to Mary a singular tear escaped her left eye she women to her was still that young girl she saved all those years ago now she was lying there dead. "Snow? Snow?" Regina softly whispered. "She's gone Regina." Charming said from the opposite side of Snows body, Regina shock her head.

They all watched on as they mourned the lose of Snow White it's unexpected and all the Snow Queens fault yes that's her name. "Mom?" Everyone turned to look at the young girl who had been calling for Regina who didn't even know,"Who are you calling for dear?" Hook curiously asked. "Miss Mills." The girl answered. "Me? Ugh..I don't know you darling." Lilith cried "you do you just don't remember." Lilly ran off confused and upset. Regina got up and went after the young girl when she noticed she was still in her evil queen outfit she quickly changed. Regina followed Lilith down to the pier where she sat next to the young girl,"you didn't have to follow me.." "I know you don't remember I should've known you wouldn't remember me." She buried her face into her hands she had her elbows rested on her thighs.

"I might remember if I had a kid sweetheart. I was a nasty person who ruined life's I wouldn't of deserved to have you as my child." Regina explained. "You where once happy and content with my father Robin before Rumple erased all of our memories for his own satisfaction,if he didn't make you have another story an unhappy one then this whole plan with the Snow Queen would've failed I am your daughter I'm just not sure your every going to believe that I am honestly that's the worst feeling imaginable knowing my parents will possible never remember me." Regina sat there listening to every word Lilly was saying it all made sense to her now it all was making so much sense she started to rethink that maybe she was right she did go into that bar,she did start a life with Robin and they lives happily ever after...well happily.

"I will find away to remember." Regina hugged Lily then kissed her forehead with one little kiss both Robin and Regina's memories of there life together with there daughter came back Regina just needed to believe of course. "Lilith? That's your full name right." She asked,Lilly looked up at the mayor and smiled. "Yes,it is. How'd you know that?" Lilith was so confused at what had just happened. "I just needed to believe." As she said that Robin walked over to them both with tears streaming down his face looking at His daughter and his true love.

"Robin this is Lilith..our daughter. I know you probably don't.." Regina stopped as Robin spoke. "I remember I don't know how or what happened a gust of wind and everything came back from when we where a family before Marion and Roland..even Henry." He explained,walking closer to the two of them.

"Who's Henry and Roland?" Lilly enquired looking back and forward between the two. "Henry is my son..Roland is your fathers with his ex-wife Marion." The mention of her name saddened her even though they where together. "I have brothers?" Her face lit up with the biggest smile of pure happiness and joy.

"The boys are both at granny's lets go met them." Robin suggested. Lilly nodded in agreement as her and Regina met Robin half way She started to lead the way in front of Regina and Robin as they shared an 'I missed you' kiss. They walked to Granny's as they all stood just outside of the entrance they both looked at Lilith,"you ready?" They asked in unison. Lilly nodded and they walked in.

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