Don't Be Gone Too Long - Chapter 14

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Lauren’s POV:

“What do you mean she woke up?!” I scream in the middle of the hospital hallway making heads turn in our direction..

“She woke up around 6 am this morning and started to freak out, probably still thinking she’s in the bunker.  We tried to calm her down but she wouldn’t listen. She kept struggling and she was hurting herself. We had to sedate her because she was going back into shock. Her heart rate is still low but at least it’s steady. And since she woke up and improved a little, we took her off of the life support. So now she’s completely free. She should be waking up again in an hour or so. So if you would like to be there when she wakes up then maybe it’ll keep her calm. If she wakes up and panics we’ll have to sedate her again due to her injuries.” The doctor says and I nod still in shock of everything. “Also, we put her hands back down because we don’t want her to panic when she wakes up. But because of that she doesn’t have any ability to move her hands. We’re just hoping that after a while it’ll go back to normal. But until then she won’t be able to feel or move her hands.”

“okay..What’s your name by the way?” I ask realizing after all her help I’ve never learned her name.

She smiles. “I’m doctor Grande. But you can call me Ariana.” I smile and nod and she leads me back to Camila’s room.

“Thanks for everything Ariana.” I turn around before entering Camila’s room and hug her unexpectantly. When we pull back she gives me a smile and turns to walk back through the halls. I push open the door and enter the familiar cold room.

“Hey Camz” I spoke to the brunette laying peacefully on the bed. I walk over and sit in the same seat as the night before and grab her cold hand. I frown thinking about how she can’t feel my hand or squeeze mine back in comfort. I use my other hand to stroke the little bit of skin on the side of her face that’s not covered by the mask. “Please wake up. I miss you.” I lay my head on her chest and hear her slow heartbeat. “I’ve missed you so much” I whisper and kiss the knuckles of her hand before drifting off to sleep in the warm comfort of her body next to mine.

“Lauren, it’s from the Army. You have to open it.” Dinah urges the package in my face again and I groan.

“No. I don’t Dinah.” I grumpily push it back and smash my face in Camila’s pillow again.

“What if it’s important? What if she left you something? You need to open it!”

“DINAH! I don’t want to fucking open it! If I open it then it’s done. It will finally become real that she’s gone!” I sob into the pillow smelling the scent of Camila as I bury deeper in it.

“Laur, I know you don’t want to believe it. I still don’t believe it. But you need to open it. Camila told me that she left a letter in her personals for you. She told me that you need to open it if something happened to her.” Dinah sighs and lays down the package on my back. “I’ll leave it here. And knowing you, you’ll open it once I leave.” Dinah gets up and walks out of the bedroom. I slowly pick up my head and turn over on my back.

“fuck” I rip open the package and am instantly filled with the scent of her. I look in the filled box. It has some clothes and her book. I empty the box on our bed. I scan over the items and something catches my eye. It’s a little piece of paper with the scribbly handwriting of Camila.

“Closet, underneath my shoe boxes is a un-nailed piece of wood. Underneath it is a letter. And according to your finding of this, it either means I came back home safely and you’re doing my laundry ;) OR something bad happened. And let’s hope to god it’s just laundry.. but if not. I’m sorry.”

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