Don't Be Gone Too Long - Chapter 7

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Camila’s POV:

“Okay everyone! This is it. It’s been a pleasure training you all even if it was only for 48 hours. You guys are all a good group of soldiers! I wish you all the best of luck out there.” The middle aged buff man says as he lifts his arm to salute us. We all salute back and then we turn around making our way on the small plane in front of us.

“Cabello!” I hear the man’s voice yell out and I turn around on my feet standing up straight just like my father taught me too.

“I heard about your story. And I’m truly sorry that this is happening.” He says now standing a foot away from me.

“What do you mean you’ve heard my story, sir?” I ask questionly.

“Do you not know?”  He asks and tilts his head to the side as I shake my head confused about what he’s talking about. “You know all those reporters at the airport when you left New York?” I nod my head. “Well you were the front cover of the news papers, and over a dozen magazines. They have pictures of you and your fiancé on the front page. It’s truly beautiful.”

“Wha-what?” I gasp and lose my straight posture as I look at the man in front of me with sadness.

“Apparently it got a story from your friend Dinah Jane Hansen? She told the reporters about your father, Chris Jauregui and more. The whole newspaper was about you.” He says looking at me sadly. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief. “Here hold on!” The Sergeant says and runs back to the bus to grab something. He runs back with a stack of papers. “Here. I know I shouldn’t be doing this.. but I think this is something you should have.” He says and hands me a stack of magazines and news papers. “I wish you the best, Cabello.” He salutes and turns on his feet walking back to the bus as I stand there wide eyed.

“Camila! Hurry up!” I turn around to see Austin hanging out the door gesturing me to come, and I take one more glance at the Sergeant and he waves. I run to the plane and sit in the seat Austin saved for me next to him as I start to look through the familiar popular magazines with Lauren and I kissing on the front page of it.

“Woah. That’s you.” Austin says plopping down in the seat next to me and I nod feeling tears brim my eyes looking at Lauren kissing me with so much love. “WOAH! You’re on all of these!” He says grabbing half the stack and beginning to look through it.

“Yeah” I exhale slowly as a tear falls as I start to read the first page seeing more pictures of us hugging and crying “Soldier gets drafted off to war. But not before she gets one last kiss from her fiancé. Next page for a truly inspiring but tragic story that will leave you in tears.” I turn the page to see a picture of Lauren running towards me while I have my back turn towards her walking through the tunnel. The picture beside it is when she crashed in my arms. And I let out a not so quiet sob and crash my hand over my mouth as everyone turns towards me.

“Oh shit, Camila.” Austin quickly hugs me tightly trying to sooth me but it only makes it worst. His hugs didn’t feel like Lauren’s and I let out another loud sob as I started to shake in his arms as everyone is now staring at us and the papers that have now dropped on the floor. They grab them and start to read them and I can feel their eyes staring at the back of my head. I even heard a few “I’m so sorry”’s which only made me more hysteric.

Lauren’s POV:

“Lauren! Wake up!!!” I hear a scream and forceful shaking.

“Dinah, don’t be so ruff! Lo lo? Honey wake up quick.” I hear a softer sweeter voice and groan opening my eyes slightly to see everyone sitting on my bed.

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