Don't Be Gone Too Long - Chapter 12

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Camila’s POV:

“Please. Stop.”  I plead as he sits back down on the metal chair across from me, I shift a little trying to keep my balance on my tip toes while my wrist are still bound to the chains above me.

“Oh Camila, you’ve been so much fun to play with. But you still haven’t told me anything.” He says smiling. “You know you could of made it so much easier on yourself if you just told me what I needed to know. It’s such a pity to see such a beautiful young woman like yourself, look so exhausted and broken. Tell me, how does it feel to know no one has come for you yet? That no one cares enough to come and find you? Huh? How does it feel?”

“Fuck you.” I whimper keeping my head hanging down. My body aches, my head spins, and all I can see is the floor beneath me covered in what I think is my own blood. It’s been what feels like years in here. I feel like all hope that I’ve been trying to keep is gone. Is anyone trying to find me? Did they just stop looking? Does Lauren even care anymore? I feel so lonely and helpless, but I can’t let him know that. It’ll just show him that I’m giving up.

“Cameeeelaa! Come back. We have more to do.” A voice breaks me out of my thinking and I shake my head.

“Please.” I whisper and hear him snicker.

“You sound so helpless. Remember when you were really strong and had your walls built up high? That you thought I couldn’t break you? Oh that was a long time ago. I know you feel lonely. I know that you’re giving up. You’re not good at hiding how you feel.  So since you’re such a young girl I’ll give you one more chance. Where are they keeping my brothers?”

I shake my head. I want to tell him so badly. I just want everything to end. To stop hurting. But I can’t give up. I made a promise to be trustworthy. I can’t break it, it’s either me or the whole base. What about Austin? Did he make it? Is he okay? Is Lauren still looking for me? Or has she moved on? I don’t know what to believe anymore. Every passing minute feels like an eternity. “Please” I plead again knowing it won’t work but hoping it will stall enough to get my breathing back to normal.

“You’re so difficult. I knew we should have picked the boy. He looked so weak and dumb. He would of lasted 2 minutes. Oh well…” The man sighs. “He probably died anyways. When we checked his pulse it was already weak so I’m guessing he died a couple minutes after we left. Such a shame.” The man gets up out of his seat and walks across the room to the table that I’m all too familiar with. I know exactly what he’s getting. “If only you didn’t mess with my family and been a little stubborn bitch.. maybe he would still be alive and you wouldn’t be in this situation. It’s all you’re fault. You killed your best mate and let everyone down.” Abdu says and shakes his head in a disappointed way and walks back over to me grabbing my chin rather harshly and forcing me to look at him.

“I’m sorry.” I wince and feel either blood or tears run down my face.

“I know. It’s okay Camila. It’ll be over soon.” He lifts his hand up with the knife in it and slowly moves it forward until the cold metal meets my hip bone, tracing the scars that have been made in the past sessions. I close my eyes and wince. “It’s finally over. You can finally get rid of all the guilt of killing your friends and the pain of how nobody loves you. How nobody came to save you from all this pain. How your lover moved on and forgot you. ” Abdu whispers in my ear and stabs the knife forcefully between my ribs making me scream out in pain.

“Goodnight Camila.” He speaks clearly over my screams before pushing it in more and everything goes black. Everything stops, the pain, the constant thoughts, everything. And for the first time in forever I’m at peace. It’s finally over.

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