Don't Be Gone Too Long - Chapter 8

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Lauren’s POV:

It’s been 7 months. 7 long agonizing months of me praying, hoping, waiting for Camila. Alexa and the rest of the girls went home all except for Dinah. She thinks I’m going to break no matter how many times I’ve tried telling her that I’m fine. I really am. Even though at the beginning I thought I’d never be okay, I am. It’s easier knowing that Chris and Camila are together and looking out for each other.

The letters have been coming less and less and the skype calls have been harder to plan due to our different schedules and time zones.  But I’m still happy. Those few letters that I’ve gotten over the last few months have been short but enough.  Enough to know that she’s okay and that she’s safe. And that is all I need. I finally went back to work after 8 months. When Chris was sent out I shut down. I couldn’t think straight with all the worrying and all the chaos that’s been going on. I would’ve thought that Camila leaving would be harder. It’s still hard, but the war has settled down a little, making me a little bit more at ease.

I open the mailbox and see that familiar piece of paper that I’ve been trained to see from miles away. I grab it and run back up the stairs to our little apartment. I swing the door open with a loud bang startling Dinah when I run over to her and jump on the couch where she’s sitting on her phone.

“Jesus Lo! You scared the crap out of me!” Dinah yells removing her hand from her chest and setting down her phone on the table in front of us.

“It’s her.” I lift up the paper so she sees it. “I-I mean I think. WAIT what if it’s the letter?” I say in panic and she rolls her eyes.

“God Lauren you always say that. She’s fine! You just talked to her 2 weeks ago on skype. Now open the letter before you pass out.” Dinah says moving closer so she can read it over my shoulder.

“Yeah. You’re probably right.” I whisper and start unfolding the paper.

Dear, Lauren.

Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve sent you a letter. It’s been so busy around here and we haven’t been able to get a plane out here for the mail. Nothing to be worried about though, just some minor bumps in the road, but I’m okay. I miss you more than ever right now. It’s gotten pretty calm here. Orr as calm as it could be considering the circumstances… It’s been a good week and a half since the last attack and even that was minor. I know you want to know ALL the details about the attack and my condition but I don’t want to worry you anymore than you already are. So don’t worry. I know that’s hard for you but I promise I’m okay. I have you know, that I’m a lot more fit though. Like I have abs of steel and you bettah watch out when I get back home;)”

“EW! I shouldn’t have read that..” Dinah screams and stands up. “Okay.. I’m done. Just tell me if she says something NOT sex related.” Dinah grabs her phone and walks to the kitchen.

“She says she knew you were reading and says that she loves you!” I scream over my shoulder before refocusing back on the writing in front of me.

“Of course Karla knew.” I hear Dinah laugh and smile at my fiancé’s intention to gross out her bestfriend. 

Well I’m guessing Dinah left by now. I knew that would do it! Anyways I wanted Dinah to leave so I could tell you something without her reading over your shoulder. I know you’re doing okay and I’m so happy you’ve gone back to work! You have no idea how proud I am. I can’t wait to get back and see you on the right path again. It killed me seeing you in such a state of depression. I’m so happy that you’ve finally found your footing again.

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