The Scoop on UA Class 1-A

Start from the beginning

Editor In Chief- It could totally be them!

Tokuda- However, it appears All Might and Sir Nighteye have parted ways. And haven't had any information saying the two contacted each other. But there's another interesting fact. Rio Yagi, also known as All Might's sister has kept in contact with Sir Nighteye up till this day. So in a way that could mean something. Anyways, I've heard that All Might is putting in extra work teaching those in Class 1-A at UA.

Editor in Chief- Couldn't it just be because Rio Yagi is in that class.

Tokuda- I thought that at first but whats the point of only paying attention to that class if there's two people he's preparing. He could easily go between classes but he puts most of his effort with Class 1-A. And there's only one answer! Both the kids we are looking for are in that class. But UA has increased security after being attacked twice by the League of Villains. A freelance journalist like me would have a very hard time getting permission to--

Editor In Chief- Very well. We'll do something about it on our end. However--

Tokuda- Of course, I will only provide the scoop to your paper. Please buy it for a lot.



Everyone- A newspaper?

Aizawa- Yeah. A newspaper wants to do a feature on you all.

Uraraka- Isn't that amazing, Deku?

Midoriya-- Y-Yeah...

Uraraka- What about you Rio! What do you think!

Rio- I'd say it's alright.

Kaminari- It's kind of embarrassing.

Kirishima- Why?

Ojiro- The sports festival was broadcast around the country, right?

Hagakure- Mina, we'll be in the paper! We've gotta look our best!

Mina- Yeah!

Jiro- You don't have much though, Hagakure...

Aizawa- Don't get too excited. The article is supposed to be about how you students are doing in the dorms you've just moved into. The principle thought it would be good for your parents and guardians to see you all living happily in the dorms, so he gave special permission. That's why.

Mineta- Do you think the reporter'll be a woman? A woman Newscaster?

Sero- He said it was for a newspaper.

Mineta started having the perverty look on his face as he thought about who the reporter would be.

Mineta-"Female announcer" If you think about it, "announcer" sounds like "Bouncer", which sounds like "bouncy boo--"

Suddenly Mineta was wrapped up in Mr. Aizawa's scarf.

Aizawa- So you better not do anything like that.

Tokuda- You dont have to be like that, Mr. Aizawa. I want to report on the UA students in their natural state in the dorms.

Aizawa- Mr. Tokuda, I didnt say you could come in yet--

Tokuda- I was told I could be here from 8 am to 6pm. It's already time.

The reporter then walked to the front were we can all see him clearly.

Tokuda- Hello, everyone. Im Tokuda, a reporter. Thanks for having me here today.

Class 1-A- Nice to meet you!

My Hero Academia: All Might's Little Sister (OC X Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now