Jordan opened the door, only to be pushed by a group of chit chatting upperclassmen who are not willing to wait for them to enter.

"I see no purpose in this jamboree. Why did they invite us?" One of them murmured.

"Well, i'm technically not invited but my girl is coming so here I am."

"I heard that most of the names written in the guests list we're mostly female. Why though?"

"You remember that cool acting douche? I heard he can't get himself a girlfriend, so his mother arranged this whole thing for him. Embarrassing, isn't it?"

"Damn them, no manners." Jordan hissed, entering the restroom doors. The room we're more crowded than they expected. Though it's the size of Charles' apartment, it's still a little stuffy from all the people inside. "Wow. You think I can find a date here? So many options, lemme grab me a sugar daddy real quick."

"I mean, if you want to." Charles shied away when he noticed some people staring upon their arrival. Come to think of it, it's easy for Charles to stand out from the crowd. Most men are in their early 30's and dressed in formal attires leaning towards darker colors while Charles is wearing an off-white. "You do your thing, I'll just wait oustide."

"Mhm, alright. don't go anywhere, 'kay? Careful."

"I can take care of myself." Charles leaned on the wall and shooed him away. I should be the one telling you that.

"Tch, says the one who can't even push a pervert away." Charles rolled his eyes at that comment; "Just don't disappear. Ooh, we should exchange numbers. Gimme ya phone."

"What's the use of that?" Charles questioned, yet complied at giving Jordan his new phone. "Isn't that a bit unnecessary?"

"Unnecessary?" Jordan repeated with a scoff, offended. "I mean, just in case. What if you get lost here? Then we can contact each other. And we're literally bros. It's normal to have each others contacts, duh."

"Whatever. Just go, hurry."

Few Moments Later;

"Hey, Mr Monroe. Wake up."

Charles were sitting on the floor with his head laying down on his knees. He's in the midst of a nap when he was shaken gently by the shoulders.

"You must be really exhausted to be able to fall asleep here." Milliard shook him once more when Charles didn't respond. "Wake up, you shouldn't be sleeping here. Do you want me to carry you?"

"Fuck off, i'm not sleeping." Charles muttered, followed by a quiet yawn.

"Sure, you're not. But you have to get up." Milliard even attempted to lift him up himself, but ended up being kicked by Charles again. "If you really don't want to be around with me, then i'll distance myself. Though i can't promise anything. You don't have to hide. You've been sulking here for ten minutes."

"Hide? I can sever your limbs off if I want so don't piss me off." Charles stood up, his legs a little wobbly from being seated too long. "And don't lay your disgusting hands on me ever."

"I was just helping--"

"Look, your fingers look nice and intact. Want me to cut them first? Cutting fingers are a bit tedious though, maybe just cut off the whole arm?" Where the fuck is Jordan?

Charles peaked at the restroom, which is completely empty now.

"Most of the people are at the ballroom by now. Who are you looking for?" Milliard sneaked up behind him and peaked in as well. "I'm pretty sure your friend Jordan is there too."

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