The Lake

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Another day meant another work shift that made Jungkook antsy to be home. After last night when he finally found out the mysterious boy's name, all he could do was repeat the boy's name in his head. He couldn't stop thinking about him all day long, often caught daydreaming by his manager.

"Jungkook. Jungkook!"

Jungkook was startled out of his daze, quickly looking towards where the voice came from. He turned to his left to see his manager giving him a somewhat disappointed look. After smiling sheepishly, he went back to organizing some of the shelves that he had been leaning on. He hadn't even noticed the manager approaching him slowly.

"Jungkook, what's going on with you today? You've been spacing out all day no matter what task I give you. Are you okay? Do you feel light headed or need to go home?"

Even though his manager always tried to put up a strong front, it was obvious that she cared about him as a worker. She was the first to always suggest he go home if he wasn't feeling well, which truly showed him that she had his best intentions at heart. After turning to face her, Jungkook spoke up.

"Sorry! I don't mean to be spacing out. I just have a lot on my mind right now."

"Well, you only have an hour left in your shift. Do your best, and I'm here if you need anything."

"Thank you!"

The manager left his side, allowing the boy to breathe a sigh of relief. Even though she always showed Jungkook kindness, the fact that she was his manager still always kept him on the edge of his toes. The last thing he wanted to do was make her angry. But after looking at the clock, he realized that she was right.

I only have an hour left? How has time flown by so quickly. I guess I'll just go home, make dinner, and play Mikrokosmos again. I need to talk to Jimin after what happened last night. But ... I can't tell anyone that I know his name. I can't betray him by letting everyone know it. It's too special to give away. Even if I spend 30 minutes to an hour making dinner, I'll only get an hour and a half on the game anyway. Man, I wish I could have more time with him every day.

Ever since VR had become more popular, it was obvious that more and more people were staying indoors, leaving responsibilities behind, and becoming extremely unhealthy. To combat this, the government worked with the leading VR companies to limit the amount of time people could be on the VR system everyday. Most people were only allowed an hour and a half on weekdays and two hours on weekends. Of course, you could buy more time, but that was extremely expensive and way out of Jungkook's budget.

The time in VR seemed to fly by every day. By the time he found where Jimin was, he had usually already blown through half of his time. He understood why these laws had to be set in place, but he'd do anything to gain some extra time every once in awhile.

After he finished organizing the shelf he was at, he turned to his right to go to the next aisle when he accidentally ran into someone, knocking them onto the floor along with their basket of goods.

"I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you."

Jungkook reached out his arm to help the man up. It didn't take much effort since nothing fell out of the basket. After the man brushed his bangs out of his face, Jungkook recognized the man immediately.

"Tae? Is that you?"

"Yeah. Hey, Jungkook! It's been awhile."

"Yeah, it has. Well, if by awhile you mean a couple days, then yeah it's been awhile."

The Mysterious Boy || BTS (Jikook, Sope, Namjin, Taekook)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora