The more he repeated what he was doing my body became relaxed and damn sure in under 2 minutes I was back to sleep.


"say, niggas ain't shit thats not cheating if I wasn't with yo ass! " Anastasia yelled in my face

"Man move breath hot as shit" I pushed her back trying to hold in my laughter

"Ouuu niggaaaaa you trying it" she pointed her finger "fuck you"

"Fuck you" I mocked her

"You ain't shit"

"You ain't shit"

She squinted her eyes "you a bitch"

"You a.." she turned fully around facing me "a beautiful woman who I love and appreciate so much, I love you" I smiled

"Mhm" she hummed rolling her eyes

"Stop playing baby, you know the only b word I'll ever call you is beautiful" I kissed her check

A grin started appearing on her face " I know that right"

"I love you bitch" I bust out laughing

"Chris!" She yelled laughing and starting hitting me

Our fight got cut short when the bell rung. I went up and opened it greeted with honesty family.

"Hey Chris" Omari dapped me up

"What's up y'all" I gave niqo a high-five and hugged Naturi and lex

I moved to the side a let them in closing the door behind Omari. I went back over to Anastasia and threw my arm around her.

"Hey hey, staisa how you doing" Omari high fived her

"I'm good Mari..hey you guys" she hugged everybody else

"Wheres honesty and em" Naturi asked

"Come on" I jerked my head back towards the steps

We all walked up the steps and I seen everybody was pretty fascinated with this house.

"This house is so big" lex looked around

"I thought this was originally honesty house" Omari said

"It was then she wanted Amir to move in. So they went to somebody not sure who, so now his name is on all the paperwork and he get mail and they split the bills so this is both their house not just honesty's " Anastasia explained

"Where the hell is they at we been walking to long" niqo huffed as we walked up another flight of stairs

"On this floor. This is where they room is at and London room is at and some other empty rooms so probably when they start having children they'll make that their rooms..and where here" we all stopped in front of their two big white closed doors

"Now they are sleep they have been since me and Stasia came so try not to make no noise" I said

I turned around and quietly opened the door just like I expected with them still sleep.

"DAM-" niqo started but lex smacked him in his head telling him to hush

"Aww they are so cute" Naturi cooed looking at how they was sleep

"But why they look mad" lex turned her head to the side

"That's what I said like even lon got on a mug" Anastasia whispered

"Look the dog mad too" Mari pointed

"Right" I chuckled

It was weird we all just was standing here watching them sleep but we couldn't stop laughing at them. Every time we calm down somebody bust a joke and our laughter starts back up again.

Heart Vs mind (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now