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Every since I found out about Chris and Anastasia I've been distant towards her. King found out and he went APE SHIT.

He said he understood where their coming from but he made himself very clear that none of our business needs to be told to Chris.

I don't give a shit. I'm still out to kill those fuckers and nothing is going to stop me.

Right now Stasia and I were at the trap collecting money.

"NEXT....where's my money nigga. I told you the next time you come up short ima fuck you up right" she said blowing the smoke from her mouth looking at Keith who looked scared.

"I got a kid to take care of man j-just give me time" Keith pleaded. This nigga ain't even got no kids lying ass.

Stasia chuckled and put her blunt out and grabbed her gun then walked in front of Keith with him towering over her. We really are short as hell.

"Where's my fucking money" she put the gun under his chin.

"Watch where you put that fucking gun guh" he said pushing her arm. Big mistake. She pistol whipped him and watched as he fell.

"Kill this bitch. Matter of fact make him suffer and leave his ass down there until King gets here tomorrow then you guys have a free day for the rest of the day" she said to Chucky and Robin

They nodded and dragged him to the basement with him basically begging.

"EVERYBODY IS DISMISSED" I said. Everybody got their duffel bag and left leaving just Me and Stasia.

We heard screaming and I smirked knowing it was Keith. A few minutes later Chucky and David came back, grabbed their money and left.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence and counted our money. Only sound was the A/C.

I bit my lip trying to think of what to say. I'm mad but I don't want our friendship to go down the drain.

"So you and Chris been together two years huh" I said making her glare at me.

"Why you care? You getting ready to kill him anyway" she huffed placing a rubber band on the stack she hand in her hand.

"Look I was mad but I'm not as mad anymore. You've kept that from me for two years. I thought we were better than that Stas." I said placing a rubber band on mines as well.

"Put yourself in my shoes. We put our fucking lives on the line and I'll be damned if I let someone tell me that I can't see him anymore. If you don't like it put me out the gang I don't care anymore honesty. My happiness comes before this shit. And I think I need a break" she stuffed her money into her pink duffel and walked towards the door but I caught her before she could walk out.

"What do you mean you need a break?!Look I don't like it but if he makes you happy then I'll just deal with it but if I find out you telling that nigga shit it's both of y'all lives" I gritted at her.

She chuckled. "The fact that you think I'll do some shit like that makes it harder for me to think that you won't kill neither one of us. Yea I go out with him so what but that doesn't mean he knows the shit we do. If that's the case you or me would've been fucking dead by now. Think Honesty. I'm going home I'll see you when I see you" she walked out the door and left me there to think about what she just said.


I walked out the door trying to hold my angry tears inside.

Walking to my car I spotted a bunch of black cars on each street of the block. I already knew it was the royals, because they're known for surrounding your block when their getting ready to attack.

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