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"BABBBBY WAKE UP" I opened my eyes seeing Chris jumping up and down on the bed

"Baby what are you doing and stop yelling" I chuckled

He jumped down and sat on my lap "I'm happy to see your happy" I smiled

He tried kissing me but I put my hand over my mouth "no that's nasty"

"Nigga I smelt your breath so many times when you was in my face sleep it don't effect me no more gimme a damn kiss"

"Nope" I wiggled from under him and got up

I went into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. After I was done I spit it out and started washing my face.

Feeling Chris behind me poking me with his dick I turned around facing him.

"oye mi amor te sientes mejor" I asked

(Hey my love you feel better)

"Si gracias por ayer te amo" he smiled

(Yeah thanks for yesterday I love you)

He grabbed my hips and pulled me close. Looking down at my lips then back at my lips he leaned in kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and bit his lip making him moan.

He went down and gripped my ass rubbing it in circles. I felt his hands glide to the front. Chris gripped it softly and started rubbing it.

I pecked his lips and couple more time before pulling away. "Not right now " I winked moving his hand

"Whyyyyyy" he pouted

"Cause I said so"I smiled "let's go wake up honesty and Amir"

We walked out the bathroom to Amir room

"Why are we watching frozen" Amir asked giving me booty rubs

"Cause I like Olaf hes adorable" I smiled "are you kidding me I am wonderful. I always wanted a nose it's so cute like a baby unicorn" I recited Olaf line

Amir started cracking up "Yo you straight wildn b"

As I was gonna say something else the door cracked open. Chris and Anastasia peeked they head in a we all made eye contact with each other.

"See we thought y'all was still sleep" Anastasia laughed

"Welp" Chris bust in and came in front of the tv

Anastasia came over and they both gripped the covers but me and Amir held tight on them as Chris and Anastasia tugged.

"Stoppppp y'all doing to much" me and Amir huffed

"What y'all naked or something" Chris asked laughing as me and Amir gave him a duh look

"Well I'm not she is" Amir added

" sooo y'all up here watching a movie cuddling and honesty naked and y'all didn't get up to wash brush y'all teeth or nun" Anastasia asked looking disgusted

"Yes nigga, we did all that he just put on clothes I didn't just get the hell out our room making me miss my movie" I huffed

They laughed loudly and walked out. I can't stand them fuckers

"MOVIESSSSS" Anastasia and honesty skipped into the theater holding hands

They went up to the line where they get the tickets waiting for the boys.

Heart Vs mind (discontinued)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu